Sport & Rec: Expanding Access Through Diversity of Movement

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Sport & Rec: Expanding Access Through Diversity of Movement

Sport & Rec is interested in knowing how to make its spaces and programming more accessible and inclusive. With a particular interest in the needs of students with disabilities and those from equity-deserving populations, Sport & Rec is committed to designing spaces and services that better meet a more diverse set of student needs. We hope that the insights from this research will help the Sport & Rec team co-create future programs and service offerings that are equitable, diverse, and inclusive.

Fall/Winter 2022-2023

How can Sport & Rec ensure equitable, inclusive and diverse programs?

In partnership with the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education Sport & Rec, the Innovation Hub aimed to uncover the needs and perspectives of students who are not currently engaged in Sport & Rec programs and spaces.  In consultation with members from the U of T community, we sought to learn about their experiences by listening to their stories.


When students engage in movement, they find freedom beyond the academic box

We found that movement impacts every student’s life in some way. When students engage in movement, they discover more about themselves beyond just their academics and studies at the university. Of paramount importance across all stories was the idea that people need to feel safe when participating in physical activity, and when safety is created, students can find freedom in movement.

The expansion of access of Sport & Rec programs will need to accommodate the evolving needs of the growing community to meet the needs of present and future students who engage with Sport & Rec. Movement impacts every student’s life in some way. When students engage in movement, they discover more about who they are beyond their identity in an academic context. Emotional safety is of primary importance to students when making decisions to participate in movement. Learn more by accessing our report, which is linked below.

Sport & Rec Theme Visual
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Getting Started with Movement: Students shared that they want to feel invited to use spaces or programs at Sport & Rec. Student stories demonstrated that they need information about Sport & Rec that goes beyond the variety of offerings. Students explained that when they felt like information about movement programs was promoted to welcome users of all skill levels, and backgrounds, students felt represented.

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Equalizing Space for Movement: Students shared that they want to feel well informed with information about what to expect from programs. Students explained that they felt frustrated when they had difficulty finding accessible information about Sport & Rec programming and spaces. Students shared that they frequently felt caught off guard by events or circumstances that were not effectively communicated. Students told us that they don’t want to feel blindsided by details that would otherwise deter them from engaging in the programming. Students expressed a need for clear communication to help them navigate decisions about whether to participate.

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Movement and Human Connection: Students expressed that they see the vulnerability of participating in movement as an opportunity to share experiences and form connections with others. Students shared that they sometimes feel they are leaving their comfort zone by engaging in movement. The stories of students we spoke to demonstrated that the vulnerability of engaging in movement is tolerable when students feel like they belong to a community working towards a shared goal, no matter where they are in their movement journey.

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Movement as Discovery: Our data revealed that when engaging in movement, students felt fulfilled and inspired when the activity created space for challenge and growth. Students expressed appreciation for Sport & Rec programs and spaces because they could break out of their comfort zones and explore their abilities. Students explained that movement helps them discover and unlock their untapped potential when they exert effort and practice perseverance.