Redefining Traditional: How Can We Better Support Student Parents On Campus?

A smaller person and a larger person contained within a shield with a star. 

Redefining Traditional: How Can We Better Support Student Parents On Campus?

Student parents are a growing group of students at the University of Toronto (U of T) facing unique challenges that appear invisible to those who do not share their experiences. In 2018–19, the Innovation Hub partnered with the Family Care Office to investigate the experiences of student parents and identify the tensions and barriers they face at U of T. Building on this, Innovation Hub identified areas for improvements in policies, programs, services, and spaces that departments and divisions can undertake to be more inclusive of students who are also parents.

Summer 2019

What resources and support systems would create a more inclusive and family-friendly culture at U of T?

Departments and divisions at U of T can make many small and large-scale changes to alleviate the tensions and barriers that student parents face. While some solutions may require a big budget and structural changes, there are other solutions that require fewer resources and can immediately improve student parents’ lives. To identify such solutions, the Innovation Hub conducted design thinking ideation with students who are parents.


Four main themes emerged from the event data and from the findings in the first report. These themes provide a greater focus on the challenges that student parents face and potential solutions to them by addressing:

  1. Developing Connectedness
  2. Changes to Communicating Information and Accommodations
  3. Creating Spaces and Providing Resources
  4. Increasing Inclusivity and Visibility
Book with a magnifying glass over a person, general icons for key findings