Julia Smeed, Innovation Hub Project Lead

Julia is an intrapreneur through and through. She is passionate about seeing students succeed with their goals and loves to see new innovations come to life. Julia is a mom to 3-year-old twins Joshua and Victoria and she loves jazz music.
Tamsyn Riddle, Access for Every Student Student Co-Leader
Tamsyn is a third year undergraduate in Diaspora and Transnational Studies, Equity Studies and Political Science. Currently, Tamsyn co-created her safe.u, a mobile platform to combat campus sexual violence through consent, education and survivor support (sayfeu.org).

Lai Wardak, Staff Co-Leader
Lai is a UHIP Program Administrator. Lai seeks to bring equity-drive opportunities to the fore of Student Life in order to infuse University-Student relations with new possibilities.

Emma Beaulieu, Domain Team Member
Emma is in her second and final year of the Master of Occupational Therapy program. She is part of this project because she believes in making U of T accessible for everyone.
Brian Luk, Domain Team Member
Brian is a second year Computer Science specialist student with a major in East Asian Studies. He joined this project to innovate with fellow team members for a brighter community.

Sunny Xiang, Domain Team Member
Sunny is a first-year undergraduate student in Rotman’s Commerce program. A fun fact about Sunny is that her Chinese name (Xue) means snow!
Jennifer Davies, Domain Team Member
Jen is a U of T staff member, serving at the AA&CC at the Scarborough campus. Jen is excited about participating in the Innovation Hub because she knows there are bodies of students that are not being reached and she'd like to figure out why in order to improve accessibility.
Ben Poynton, Domain Team Member
Ben is a Senior Coordinator, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, within U of T's Office of Vice-President, Human Resources & Equity and the Office of Vice-Provost, Students.He is excited about exploring new linkages in order to improve student experience.
Sania Hameed, Domain Team Member
Sania is currently pursuing her MEd in Student Development and Student Services in Higher Education at the OISE. She enjoys interacting with students, and finds her current role as a Career Start Peer Advisor at the Career Centre especially fulfilling in this respect!
Julie Anne Shephard, Domain Team Member
Natasha Tang, Fostering Connectedness Student Co-Leader
Natasha is a fourth-year student studying genetics. Fun fact: she has a twin sister who also attends U of T and they have confused many people here!
Erin Clifford, Staff Co-Leader
Erin is a Lead Coordinator for Mentorship and Peer Programs in the Division of Student Life. She has studied and worked at at four different post-secondary institutions, including in a residence hall for the 10 years that the TV show Friends aired.
Danny Farah, Domain Team Member
Danny completed his undergrad at U of T and is doing his master’s in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. For him, it’s exciting to be part of such a diverse group of team members.
Elvis Ibrahimovic, Domain Team Member
Elvis, an OISE alumnus, is Co-Curricular Learning Coordinator at the Centre for Community Partnerships within Student Life. For Elvis, the participation of students as co-leaders of this project means this work is relevant.
Guang Ying Mo, Domain Team Member
Guang is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology at UTM. She is thrilled to use her expertise and collaborate with a diverse team to help students become better connected to peers, community, and university resources.

Cathy Maloney, Domain Team Member
Cathy, an alumna of University College, is the Manager of Intercultural Initiatives and Learning Strategy at the Centre for International Experience. She’s excited to participate in building connections across our diverse campus.

Sean Caffrey, Domain Team Memeber
Sean is the Executive Director of BioZone, a center for applied biosciences and bioengineering at UofT. In his spare time he is a professional wedding and travel photographer!
Ling Lam, Future Ready Students Student Co-Leader

Ling is currently pursuing a Master of Information at the Faculty of Information. She has experience working in several student service departments at U of T. Ling’s hair has been dyed every colour of the rainbow in the past!
Melanie Coleman, Staff Co-Leader
Melanie coordinates employment recruitment and engagement at Student Life. She has fond memories of her time working as a cruise director on a boat in the Toronto Harbour!
Ainsley Goldman, Domain Team Member
Ainsley is a Placement Program Coordinator at the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education. She used to have a goat as a pet and would take him on leashed walks. Ainsley is excited to help students take their next step with confidence

Aziza Virani, Domain Team Member
Aziza is a Special Projects Officer, Centre for International Experience Division of Student Life. Fluent in French and Spanish, Aziza looks forward to authentically connecting with the U of T community.

Christopher Duff, Domain Team Member
Christopher is President of Inspired Initiatives, the innovation consulting firm he founded. Christopher is passionately curious about life and loves to use innovation to tackle unexplored and often overlooked areas.
Jonathan Cheevers, Domain Team Member
Jonathan is the Manager of Student and Young Alumni Outreach at Alumni Relations and has completed two degrees at U of T. Jonathon is an avid Blue Jays fan and looks forward to strengthening relationships between students and alumni.

Ming Da (Tim) Li, Domain Team Member
Tim is a second-year Computer Engineering undergrad who is in the midst of a foodie journey of dining at more than 150 restaurants across Downtown Toronto!
Vincent Tu, Domain Team Member
Vincent is third-year student in Rotman Commerce's Finance and Economics Specialist Program. Vincent speaks English, Chinese, Japanese and dabbles in French.
Pranay Shrestha, Domain Team Member
Pranay is a 2nd year MASc student at the department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. He is passionate about making the most out of the University experience and having fun along the way!
Jacquie Beaulieu, Integrated Learning Experience Student Co-Leader
Jacqueline is a PhD student in the Higher Education program at OISE. When Jacqueline’s not working or doing schoolwork, you can find her doing flip jumps and layback spins on the ice at the Varsity Arena.
Julian Weinrib, Staff Co-Leader
Julian is a Special Projects Officer in the Office of the Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education. His dissertation research involved trips to Norway, Tanzania and South Africa. Julian is looking forward to expanding his understanding of gaps in student experience.

Atifa F. Karim, Domain Team Member
Atifa is in her final semester at OISE. Atifa has lived in Guyana, United States (Florida), Jamaica and Canada! She is looking forward to learn from and contribute to a campus community that is very important to her.

Bonnie Jane Maracle, Doman Team Member
Bonnie is an Aboriginal Learning Strategist, Academic Learning Center, St. George Campus with embedded services at First Nations House. She loves to drive, and has driven across Canada a number of times.
Eric Schwenger, Domain Team Member
Eric is a Master’s student at OISE. He works with Clubs and Leadership Development within Student Life. He’s excited to help students find community here at U of T.

Fatema Khan, Domain Team Member
Fatema is a Rotman Commerce student, specializing in Accounting. She knows five languages and wants to make the Innovation Hub a platform for positive change for students.

Marc Arnold, Domain Team Leader
Marc is a Coordinator of Transition and Advising for international students at the Centre for International Experience. Marc is most excited to creating significant change led by a diversity of voices.

Michelle Brownrigg, Domain Team Member
Michelle is Senior Director, Co-Curricular Education and Chief Program Officer at U of T. With a background in community engagement, she looks forward to working collaboratively at the Innovation Hub.

Stacy Costa, Domain Team Member
Stacy is currently a Doctoral Student in a collaborative program in the department of Curriculum, Studies and Teacher development at OISE. She is also a puzzle designer and talks to various groups and professionals about the usage of puzzles to introduce problem solving and STEM understanding in Education.
Taylor Stinson, Whole Student Development Student Co-Leader
Taylor, is a third year computer science specialist, with a focus on project architecture. Taylor has just returned from an AIESEC international intern exchange program. He interned in Portugal and enjoyed it very much.
Cristina Peter, Staff Co-Leader
Cristina, a three-time alumna, is Student Success Programs Coordinator at the Faculty of Arts and Science. She looks forward to hearing great insights from the team’s diverse members.
Aman Chohan, Domain Team Member
Aman is a Student Life Officer, Housing Services and Division of Student Life. Aman has watched the series That 70’s Show, over six times! He is looking forward to working alongside other likeminded individuals.

Ary Maharaj, Domain Team Member
Ary is a first-year, M.Ed. student in the Counselling and Psychotherapy program at OISE. He's also a staff member at the Scarborough campus, splitting time between Health & Wellness and Athletics & Recreation.
Aryan Esgandanian, Domain Team Member
Aryan is currently working in the non-profit sector designing and implementing programs designed to support marginalized populations. Aryan loves to play field hockey, water-ski and travel. She's is thrilled to contribute to improving students’ experiences and development.
Ayana Webb, Domain Team Member
Ayana is a Recreation and Wellness Program Associate, Hart House, and Division of Student Life. Ayana can say “I love you” in thirty different languages. She is excited about Innovation Hub possibilities.

Firas Najjar, Domain Team Member
Firas is currently completing his M.Eng in Materials Science & Engineering. He enjoys watching documentaries, taking care of his plants, and is excited to work with like-minded people to improve the student experience at U of T.
Susan Ivimey, Domain Team Member
Susan is the Executive Assistant, Co-Curricular Physical Education and Sport in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education. Susan is excited to participate in the Hub because of the opportunity to engage in grassroots creative action to improve the student experience here at U of T.
Tayyaba Shahzad, Domain Team Member
Tayyabba is a third-year undergrad doing a double major in Political Science and Criminology. She has a huge passion for collecting books and owns a min- library filled with more than 300 of them!
Margaryta Ignatenko, Communications/IT, and Events/Admin Teams Student Co-Leader
Margaryta is studying Journalism at UTSC. She spent her summer interning at Rotman’s Martin Prosperity Institute with the I-Think initiative and participating in Spartan races.
Tricia Kenderdine, Communications/IT Coordinator
Tricia is the Communications Coordinator in Student Life Communications. She is looking forward to working with the Innovation Hub to help transform student communications at U of T. Tricia is a fan of anything in the science fiction genre and the theater.
Igor Samardzic, Events and Admin Coordinator
Igor is an Organizer at U of T's The Agency and will be pursuing his Masters in Planning in 2017. He enjoys running along the Don River Valley, Harry Potter, and developing new ways of thinking and doing.
Josh Hass, Communications/IT Team Member
Josh is the Lead Coordinator for Orientation, Transition & Engagement in Student Life and currently pursuing his MEd (Higher Education) at OISE. He also successfully completed the saltine cracker challenge one time. Josh hopes the Innovation Hub will help take great to awesome.
Karen Shim, Communications/IT Team Member
Karen is Communications Associate in the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs Office. She is also a green ambassador, helping to promote sustainability and environmental awareness. She wants students to have the most awesome experience at U of T.
Riley McCullough, Events and Admin Team Member
Riley is a recent alumnus who works as a Planning and Policy Advisor for a Toronto City Councillor. Born and raised in LA, she now puts up with snowy Canadian winters!
Linda Moss, Events and Admin Team Member
Linda Moss is the Event Coordinator for the central Career Centre. She loves to travel and has been to Antarctica. She is excited to participate because she loves working with people motivated to improve student experiences.
Kay Dawkins, Events and Admin Team Member
Kay is a manager of Physical Activity at the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education. Kay loves to travel to exotic places like Borneo, Bhutan, and Mount Everest. Kay is looking forward to collaborating and contributing to a better student experience.
Meaghan Lau, Events and Admin Team Member
Meaghan has worked in seven different departments at U of T over the past four years and is also an MEd student at OISE. She enjoys trying new foods!
Alexandra Rodney, Operations & Design and Organizational Learning Teams Student Co-Leader
Alexandra is a senior PhD student in the Sociology department. Her dissertation looks at healthy living blogs and their readers. Alexandra is excited to use design-thinking methodology and considers herself a gardening nerd!

Denise Bentum, Organizational Learning Team Coordinator
Denise is a Master’s student in Adult Education and Community Development. She wants to connect with staff, faculty and students, and draw out innovative ideas to help the U of T community flourish.
Laura Klamot, Operations & Design Team Coordinator
Laura is a User Experience Designer, ACORN Team, Dept: EASI. Laura is learning archery at Hart House. She is often told that she looks like Disney's Merida now her bow doubles as a prop! Laura wants to help design a better U of T!

Liam O'Leary, Organizational Learning Team Member
Liam is the Graduate Programming Coordinator, School of Graduate Studies. He facilitates and coordinates professional development offerings and social events for the School of Graduate Studies.

Kate Bowers, Organizational Learning Team Member
Kate is a Career Educator at the Career Centre in the Division of Student Life. She is also also a triathlete, the youngest of five siblings, and has a deep and unabashed love for the show Survivor. She’s excited to explore new ways of working together across campus!

Tanya Lewis, Organizational Learning Team Member
Tanya has been the Director of Accessibility Services and Academic Success for seven years. Her interests include: critiques of the medical model, trauma and embodiment and psychoanalytical approaches to understanding group processes.

Danniel Liu, Operations & Design Team Member
Danniel is a third-year student of Computer Science and Statistics. He joined the Innovation Hub because he thinks there are many things we can do to make the University a better place.

Ana Quilumbango, Operations & Design Team Member
Ana is a second-year mechanical engineering student. Ana is a coffee-drinker, proud Ecuadorian and possibly the most positive girl in the world. She is excited to start making the place where she lives and learns better!

Joseph Minichini, Operations & Design Team Member
Joseph is currently enrolled in graduate level studies at OISE in the Masters of Education, Higher Education Leadership program. He is looking forward to the potential of improving the student experience through the lens of the University of Toronto student-body.

Jeff Burrow, Operations & Design Team Member
Jeff is the Manager of Assessment & Analysis in Student Life and in his final year of a PhD in Higher Education at OISE. He is the proud owner of a Jersey Shore coffee mug. Through the Innovation Hub, Jeff is excited to hear more directly from our students.