Big Ideas

A lightbulb between two clouds with sparkles coming out of it

Big Ideas

By early 2017, the Innovation Hub’s research survey of the U of T student experience was complete. We used this research to come up with 25 innovative ideas designed to create a better student experience. In November, the Innovation Hub hosted the Big Ideas Kickoff event where team members convened to explore and ideate on the viability process. Through various selection, prototyping, and testing strategies, we created the 5 Big Ideas.

Fall/Winter 2017-2018

What would have to be true for this idea to come to life?

After selecting five ideas from the 25, five Big Ideas teams conducted research with stakeholders and explored opportunities and constraints for their idea. The UX Prototyping team then supported this process by creating prototypes and testing them within the community. Teams made a presentation of their findings and recommend their first steps to senior academic leaders in March 2018, culminating in these final reports below.


For each Big Idea, the Innovation Hub proposed the need, design principles, and a design checklist. These were formed from findings discovered during a research activity inspired by the World Cafe Method; the Innovation Hub assembled teams of students and staff from across the University of Toronto to conduct a viability assessment for each of these ideas.

Book with a magnifying glass over a person, general icons for key findings