What’s happening at the Innovation Hub?

Our space is equipped with several features geared towards accessibility for all. The space is fully wheelchair accessible, and we have standing tables to support various mobility needs while working. Although the room is furnished with fluorescent lighting fixtures, there are also a number of windows to allow for natural light. We are always welcoming feedback to improve the functionality of our space and better serve the needs of our community.

- Curb cuts on the path to the building entrance
- Wheelchair accessible ramp to accessible entrance
- Inaccessible entrances have signage to accessible entrances
- Handrails are on both sides of the stairwell/ramp that are continuously graspable

- Automatic sliding doors
- Power doors with large push plates
- Door heaviness: LIGHT
- Double doors with enough room for wheelchair to open second door are available at the street entrance at Huron

- Signage for washroom locations
- Accessible, gender neutral washrooms available on all floors
- Door is wide and easy to open
- Indication if/where there are accessible washrooms is available in main hallways of all floors

- Water filling stations are available next to all accessible washrooms
- Open student spaces available on 2nd & 5th floors
- Microwaves available on 5th floors
- Additional amenities such as coffee, tea, and snacks available in our community space
- Bike racks are available on the West Side of the building (Huron St. doors)

- No automatic entrance. Entrance can be accessed with support from Innovation Hub staff. An alternative entrance is available, but not automatic
- Aisles large enough for wheelchair/scooter

- Accessible seating located near accessible entrance , and seating can be provided as needed
- Reserved seating/space for wheelchair; flexible seating and space options are available with moveable furniture
- Clear space for wheelchair to navigate
- Tables are adjustable and accessible; space has 10+ tables with wheels, and two height adjustable, stationary tables
- Chairs are adjustable; 30+ chairs with wheels available in the space. Chairs without wheels are also available

- Fluorescent lighting throughout the space
- Windows & natural lights
- Lights can be dimmed and there are blinds to block any natural light
- Television screen, projectors, and/or space to present is available; 2 large TVs on either side of the room. UofT students & staff can log in and display virtual meetings, materials, and more
- Audio is available on either TV. Adjustable audio is available on both screens and clear microphone quality for hybrid learning and collaboration