Gender Inclusive Washrooms

As a way to understand the range of needs from the different departments involved in this project, we were each asked to share an article that highlights their specific concerns. When it was my turn to choose an article for the group, I had a lot of trouble narrowing it down to one. I wanted to be able to show the ways in which transgender people are denied access or forced into the wrongly gendered spaces, but in a way that stressed that gender neutral space is only a partial fit. In the end I decided to cheat a little and go with two articles. Gendered Restrooms and Minority Stress: The Public Regulation of Gender and its Impact on Transgender People’s Lives by Jody L. Herman, was chosen because it presented hard numerical data regarding the harassment and assault that visible transgender people risk whenever they enter a gendered facility. The second article Genderism and the Bathroom Problem: (re)materializing sexed sites, (re)creating sexed bodies by Kath Browne was based on interviews with women who had experience being misgendered as men within women's washrooms. I felt that the sentiments of these women, who encountered verbal harassment and physical ejection parallels in some important ways the feelings of trans people who have faced similar treatment. The first article was to show the group that the threat was real, that trans people really do encounter harassment in these spaces. The second was to explore the feelings of being ejected from a space in which you know you belong. This is why neutral washrooms are only a partial fit, when trans men and women are denied access to spaces in which they know, intuitively, that they belong, they are encountering the same sort of misgendering as the women in Kath Browne's article. This idea that gender neutral washrooms are only part of the solution to making spaces inclusive of trans people has been the overarching theme of my participation in the Washroom Inclusivity Project and it is something that I will write more about in future posts.

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