I am an international student from Nigeria and I have been studying in Canada for over 2 years. Upon moving to Canada, one of my biggest worries was not being able to actively support and serve the people of my…
My high school teacher once told me that you don't become a grade 12er until you've finished grade 12. I thought this was very enlightening at the time, and I still think it rings true to every role I've had…
Ever wondered if there was an alternative to sitting at home planning to do something prooductive like reading your textbook for the very first time since September but end up just binge watching Netflix anyways or being stuck at a…
I was fortunate enough to have some great teachers growing up, but one of the most influential and inspiring teachers I had during that time was my 7th grade science teacher. A tiny woman with a larger-than-life personality, Dr. M. was…
When I think of October, grainy vignettes of nights spent in Robarts during extended hours begin cycling through my memory. Moving images in sepia of myself weeping as I struggle to finish multiple essays due the next day; or in grayscale, of myself flustered as I burn my tongue on my second pot of coffee in an attempt to stay lucid while I rush to learn neglected chapters because the midterm is in nine hours, are two of the many depressing images that I automatically associate with this spooky month. Sometimes, for tolerability’s sake, I accompany these memories with a cameo of a sad panda playing a tiny violin. Essentially, October has come to represent an exhaustingly, unhealthy concoction of sleepless nights and excessive stress.
Researching paper #2
Surprisingly, this is where volunteerism has swooped in to save the day.
I'm back from my trip and tanner than ever!! The last 9 days were spent on a medical, dental, and public health brigade to Honduras with the U of T chapter of Global Brigades. In my last post, I explained some…
One of the ways I started getting involved on campus is with a student organization on campus called Global Brigades. It’s a new chapter here at U of T, only in its second year of operation. U of T Global Brigades (UTGB)…
Imagine you’re in class. You can’t look at the board or PowerPoint screen, but you’re one of the few there who can’t. Then, while leading the lecture, your instructor says the following: “If this is less than this, you get…
As a commuter student, I’ve become accustomed to packing food (sometimes two meals worth!) and lugging it with me for a full day on campus. I’m the girl who always sits next to the aisle so I can accommodate my…