One of the great things about living in Toronto is the food. With so many cultures, flavours and fusions, the opportunities to explore the world through your taste buds are endless. Indigenous food has been vastly underrepresented in mainstream culture…
I’ve always been a creative person. When I was a child, going to an arts and crafts store was like the equivalent of Disneyland to me. I also loved to read and write stories that I’m sure I endlessly annoyed…
It’s that time of year again: midterms! If there’s one thing I’ve learnt during my time in university, it's that taking breaks during studying is crucial to your success. To de-stress, I prefer to get out of my study space.…
Ever since I was 15, it has always been a dream of mine to travel and explore the world. Everyday after school, I would sit down on my bed and watch YouTube videos of Shay Mitchell traveling to exotic countries…
The best thing about living in Toronto is that there’s always something to do. This is especially significant as a student when you start having a multitude of new experiences (i.e. living on your own, planning your future, finding your…
Hello! Introductions are probably the most difficult pieces to write. However, as I will be one your Life@UofT bloggers this year, and will be sharing with you my day to day endeavors and experiences, an introduction is essential. My name…
What a spectacular time to be alive! I had the pleasure of giving my beautiful friend a beginner ski lesson the other day at Lakeridge Ski Resort and was ecstatic to be able to hit the slopes in jeans and only a couple of thin layers. I can’t be the only one loving this warm streak, not to mention all the sun. We had a blast and I was reminded of how much a girl can enjoy winter.
So, since I can’t imagine we’ve seen the last of winter just yet, I thought I’d highlight some of the many things to do on campus as well as in and around Toronto to keep your body moving and enjoy this so-far-mild winter!
This past Monday, Move U and U of T’s Black Students’ Association hosted the university’s first Afro-Caribbean dance workshop. It was one of many highlights of my four years at U of T. Seriously.
The hour-and-a-half long workshop was a total blast! It was led by Arsenio Andrade, who was born and trained in Cuba and has performed internationally, and accompanied by the wonderful drumming talent of Richard “Popcorn” Cumberbatch who has been playing Caribbean indigenous drums since the age of 11. There was a great turnout and every single person seemed to be having the time of their lives – I know I was.
Guess what? I took the plunge! I bought my own beautiful pair of skates! Did my wallet cry a little? Yes. Am I beyond excited? Yes. On my way home to my parents’ house I took a detour to the…
That moment when you realize you’re training in as many sports this term as you are completing courses…
My body is going to be so mad at me. Source:
What better time to check out a myofascial release class at Goldring? Your fascia is a sort of spider-web of dense tissue which surrounds and attaches to all kinds of structures in your body. Normally –rather, in a healthy state- your fascia is relaxed and can stretch and move as you do. Over time however, due to stress, trauma, poor habits (slouching, for instance) your fascia can undergo changes which lead to restricted mobility, tension and even pain. Myofascial release consists of massaging and stretching the fascia to relieve pressure and tightness.