If you’ve gone outside within the last few weeks, then you’re aware of how brutal the weather is in Toronto. This means many students are getting sick. Sadly, I am one of said students. For many university students, catching a…
Decaffeinated Me
Recently, I’ve been finding many a brave soul on campus who have all managed to live their undergraduate career without finding it necessary to have their morning dose of the greatest hot caffeinated beverage known to mankind: coffee. “What do…
Dealing with ambiguity: What am I good at? What do I love doing?
"The most precious thing in life is its uncertainty" Kenko As a 4th year student who is on her last semester of university before graduating, I’ve noticed that some of my current experiences echo those of my first year. One of…
Ideas for the U of T.
Last Wednesday I enrolled in a free lecture series called ‘Ideas for the World’, hosted for students at Victoria College. With the options of different sessions within the program, each focusing on different topics and hosted at different times, the…
Getting Back To Business
Last week was all about settling in to the new semester. This week, it’s all about bringing my game back. Now is the time to juggle school, extra-curriculars, and physical activity. Being active during the holidays was admittedly easier. However,…
Reflecting on the beginning of the end
My usual reluctance to leave the holiday cesspool of unproductivity is further complicated by a sad realization that I will soon not have to deal with this problem anymore. This is my last semester at UofT. new self-portrait. We all…
Keep your books close, keep your friends & family closer
I’m a huge advocate of the notion that we are constantly learning just by virtue of living and it is up to us to be open to the lessons, knowledge and wisdom that is presented to us every day. I…
On Perfectionism, Writer’s Block, and Overcoming Both
Hands down, my least favourite question during a job interview is being asked the quintessential “What is your biggest weakness?” question. Firstly, where do I even begin?! Secondly, how do I trick my potential bosses into thinking any flaw of…
In which I do what I say…
We’re in the beginning stages of exams, and UofT has been zombified. Everyone seems to be walking around in various ‘walking dead’ personas. Last week I talked about taking time off to really enjoy how far you’ve come, so this…
in which we continue the topic of achievement
Last week I talked about the pressure we face to perform well, and offered some general tips such as holistic awareness and goal setting. This week I offer more! In academics we are bombarded with messages of urgency: “Grab hold…