Leadership is not restricted to fancy titles or a specific persona, or even just one skill. I’m learning that it’s actually more like a behaviour, that I can practice everyday, even in the most mundane situations.
Building Your Strengths
University is a challenging environment, especially with all the studying, Netflix-ing, and finding time to sleep. At times, I find myself so lost in all the chaos of life, trying to learn about 5 things at a time, that I…
The End of the School Year
The end of the school year is here, and I don’t know about you, but as much of a relief as it is to have made it through another year of school, it’s also kind of bittersweet for me. For…
All About the Work Study Program

Developing Those Intercultural Skills: An Introduction
I’d like to think of myself as pretty “internationally-minded” (whatever that means) and I suspect a lot of Torontonians would too, seeing as we live in such a diverse and multicultural city. Apart from that, I lived in a few countries growing up and am still sometimes in conflict with my own cultural identity and what or how I choose to identify myself to others. For me, the question of “Where are you from?” can evoke different responses depending on the situation (and how interested I think the other person is in hearing my entire life story).
Since I chose not to pursue a major that deals directly with issues of multiculturalism I’m always looking for ways to learn about intercultural topics in more formal settings, especially as I’m equally fascinated by the theory part of all this as well.

Practical life skills at University?
It always surprises me when I learn a practical life skill in class. Does that sound anti-academic? I don't mean it to. A lot of the knowledge I gain from my classes is interesting and it usually helps me to…
Double Double: Why two professors are better than one
This year, something amazing has happened in three of my courses. My teachers have multiplied, meaning, I've had a number of classes with co-professors/instructors. Yes, two for the price of one. This seems highly unusual and has never happened to…
How I got my summer job
You know, if it weren't for the Career Centre, you’d be reading somebody else right now. The Career Centre was there to rip apart my resume, tear up my cover letter and practice my interviewing skills, all while being encouraging,…
Volunteering: Boon or Bane?
2006. Holding butterfly nets in the Financial District. 5 a.m.: A flutter between my cupped hands, and a slight beating of feathered wings. In my hands I hold a little bird. It's a good thing my friend is so persuasive,…