Your undergraduate years are a time to try new things, figure out what your interests are, and to take advantage of all the amazing programs and opportunities available to you. With that in mind, here is my list of recommendations to make the most of your undergrad.
Why You Should Join an Intramural Sport
If there’s one activity I would recommend joining during university, I would 100% recommend playing intramural sports. I’ve been involved with U of T Intramurals every semester (when it was running) since 2019, and I can say it has been…
My intramural experience
On Saturday I played my last soccer game for the outdoor season. And then I realized – I haven’t even mentioned a word about soccer to you guys all semester! I mean, we won almost every game we played! How…
He Shoots … She SCORES! U of T Athletics are for Everyone!
I've realized that, with five female bloggers, UpbeaT tends to lack in the athletics area of blog writing. Don't get me wrong, it's not that we can't write about sports - women can be great sports bloggers and, of course,…