"Hey Cynthia, can you come to the shop for 9:30 a.m. on Friday? We gotta move it to Hart House." "It" is the Blue Sky Solar Car team's baby, named Cerulean. I joined the team two years ago, but since…
He Shoots … She SCORES! U of T Athletics are for Everyone!
I've realized that, with five female bloggers, UpbeaT tends to lack in the athletics area of blog writing. Don't get me wrong, it's not that we can't write about sports - women can be great sports bloggers and, of course,…
Art Galleries at U of T!
Hello dear readers! Today marks the 3rd week back from holidays! Hope you guys had a good one. School isn't piling up yet, right? Right! And that's why you should take the opportunity to visit all the galleries around the…
Good Ideas Fund
I don’t normally pay too much attention to posters pasted on the inside walls of U of T’s toilet stalls, but last week, one of them caught my eye: “Do you have a good idea? The good ideas fund (GIF)…
Exercise on campus–for the non-sporty type!
Growing up, I've always been "sedentary" type--always dreaded gym class; still afraid of volleyballs. So, the entire first year of my undergrad, I avoided the gym like the plague. I did go swimming at the AC occasionally though, not because…
Exercises, exercises, you can do your exercises!
Exercise. We all know it's good for us. It's an important part of a healthy lifestyle and an integral part to losing the Freshman 15. But you may have stepped into a gym, seen the following and just backed out.…
The best quiet spots on campus – Part 3
Today I explored the centre of campus. Where is the centre of campus you ask? For me, I used the above campus map as reference, and it's the area surrounding King's College Circle, otherwise labeled as "Front Campus" (which you…
How To Avoid A Giant Pain In The Backside
I like U of T, I really do. But being a good student here sometimes turns out to be a real pain in my back. It's exam time, which normally means that for the last month and a half, thanks…
The Tragedy of Needlessly Wasted Passion (Submit to HHR!)
BUT WAIT! It doesn't have to be this way! Fred, our heroic and artsie U of T student, CAN express himself... and so can you! http://www.harthousereview.com/ -Heather