A great aspect of going on exchange is getting the chance to engage with other students in a new country and make long-lasting connections. Shifting an exchange to online and not even leaving the home country obviously makes this a…
The Art of Losing Elections
My name is Avneet and I’m a loser. Seriously, it’s a term that I actively embrace. I even wrote an article for The Varsity about the merits of being a loser. When I first got to university, the most jarring…
Braving Times Square: The Introvert Gets Involved
A whorl of chaotic colours, blacks and indigos, fluorescent yellows and oranges, pulsating at the edges of your eyes. A cacophony of shouts and honks drowning out the sound of your own breathing. The smell of greasy hotdogs, sunscreen, and cologne suffocating you. Arms and elbows and hands tangled with others as people nudge past you to get to one of the many fast food restaurants, shops, or stores stretching along either side.
Times Square, a force with which to be reckoned in all its sights, scents, sounds, and touch. While some people can handle the hustle and bustle of this chaotic mass, others are overwhelmed by the amount of people, scents, and sounds crushing them and have to leave the vicinity from time to time to catch their breath.
Similarly, after socializing with other people for a period of time, introverts need some “alone time” to recharge because they get drained from the activity. Some get drained after a couple of hours, others after several hours.
But, what is an introvert?
Office Hours
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_9OGnmBTow So this week has been hectic and rough for I'd say a fair amount of students. I'm not going to talk about my midterms and my coffee (I don't drink Starbucks - my taste buds revolt) and my lack of sleep. We're…