In which I realize running with friend beats running alone, even if they can run much faster for much longer than you can.
Staying Active as a Student: How You Can Do It
Last week, I conducted a thorough interrogation friendly interview of four first-year students who’ve managed to make time for physical activity alongside academics. I noticed that all four of them had stuff in common, stuff that could potentially help anyone…
How We Do It: Staying Active As Students
I interrogate (I mean, interview) some fellow first-years about how they're staying active while staying on top of academics.
Are Baseball Players Actually Aliens?
Unlike last week, my activity this week involved a sport I actually like! On Sunday afternoon, I watched the Varsity Blues baseball team play their last game of the season. They played against Wilfred Laurier University for the Ontario University…
Do You Hate Exercise? Read This
Hi, I’m Julia! I’m this year’s Move U blogger, and I’m so excited to share my experiences of getting active at U of T. I wasn’t always an active person. In middle and high school, I hated gym class; sports…