When it came time to sit down and write this post, I have to admit I was at a loss for words. With the semester coming to a close and everyone hunkering down for the long slog of finishing those…
this st.georgian life
Very mundane. This week, I had an essay and an assignment due in my Statistics class. I have a midterm on Tuesday, and I spent my weekend studying for it. A mundane description of mundane items in the itinerary that is…
3 weeks, 2 kids, one essay, 27 gifts, 1 new years eve babysitter to find…priceless
'Tis the season, if you're a parent like me, to deal with what can only be called holiday spazziness! My kids are already wound up about the upcoming school break, and the holidays. My classes are done, and my exams…
Turkey Time!!!
I’m gonna try and make this brief because if I know one thing, it’s that we’re rounding the corner on Thanksgiving! The sooner that today, and our readings, are over, the more relaxation and festivities we can enjoy. Hopefully you’re…
!! SNOW !!
For the past two years, we Torontonians have seen little to no snow. There has scantly been enough snowfall in the past two winters to build a snowman with a stature even close to that of an average human. The…
How To Get Peed On Twice In One Day
or U of T: the Field Trip Extravaganza Post Okay, so it wasn't me who got peed on twice in one day, but it was still fairly amazing: seventy-two hours into the fall term of '09, and I was standing…
New to U of T? Here’s your UpbeaT guide to getting ready
Dear Froshies, Welcome to U of T St. George (UTSG) campus, where, in your next four years (or five...or six although this is generally more rare) of undergrad, you'll have the opportunity to be lost, and found, in every sense…
NRUFBSA: Scrabble Night In Canada!
My letters: N1 R1 U1 F4 B3 S1 A1 On the board there's one E to work with, and it sits directly next to a triple word score. Holy cow. F4A1R1E1S1 : 24 points. B3R1A1N1E1S1 : 24 points. S1A1B3R1E1 :…