And then an o-m-a-n. That’s right, woman! March 8th is International Women’s Day. And there has never been a better time to celebrate our presence on campus. The long history of female progression within the university hierarchy is a great story.…
Urbane Magazine launch! Student-run swankiness! Mingling!
(To enhance the reading experience, imagine the intro is spoken by the narrator from Spy Groove) Friday, February 26, 2010. Looking a bit more like Madonna than she intended, very non-extroverted-emo-blogger Liesl and her best friend, who shall be dubbed Danish…
Good Ideas Fund
I don’t normally pay too much attention to posters pasted on the inside walls of U of T’s toilet stalls, but last week, one of them caught my eye: “Do you have a good idea? The good ideas fund (GIF)…
blogUT vs. UpbeaT, ROUND 1, GO!
Over the past week, I've had the pleasure of msn-ing the two editors of blogUT. Julia, Lori and I chatted about life as bloggers. So from today till Friday, I'll post our conversation in trilogy. Here's installment 1. Watch as I leave in the middle and leave the co-editors to fend for themselves.
Secret Services – Part III
And, a continuation from last post, which is a continuation from the post before… U of T has a lot of students who may not know their way around to the entertainment areas in the city. While I can’t tell…
Work your writing
As a history specialist I’m always writing. I have protracted wars with my work on a regular basis; fighting diction in single combat; thrashing sentences apart only to stitch them back together again; that right word my constant nemesis, elusive…