Ondiek’s amazing post last week about how our lives start to resemble sit-coms really resonated with me, because as I’ve mentioned in past posts, I am a TV enthusiast. My problem though, is that the binge watching tends to take…
We made it! April has finally arrived! I just survived three essays and four exams all in the last two weeks and I don’t even want to know what percentage of my final grade all those tests and assignments were…
Keep Doing What You’re Doing U of T!
This year I’ve written about a lot of different events and initiatives on campus. I got to help host these with different groups on campus, such as the Healthy U Crew, the University of Toronto International Health Program and Juxtaposition…
Are You Ready for the Test???
Being prepared for tests is a complicated art. Exams are the most individual task you will do in university. It’s just you and the test, so don’t let your mind go rushing onto all your other responsibilities. Your soul must…
The Road Ahead: Planning for Post-Exam Life
“I can’t believe this year’s already over!” we all say to ourselves in disbelief. In just over a month (even sooner for some people) we’ll be done with exams and will be free for four months. Now I know many…
Spring Thaw
Spring is coming very quickly this year! Spring is like a sunrise in the East and it feels like a new beginning. Spring is also a time for revitalizing, rejuvenating and getting back to basics. It is a time for…
The meaning of life (and other concerns)
Warning: this post may contain material that makes you question a lot of things. Proceed with caution. I’m in the library, writing a paper on health and social policy (you know, a typical Tuesday night activity). While performing an expert analysis…
Having fun with learning
It sounds like an oxymoron, I know, but I think it’s really important to have fun with your studies. There are a few reasons for this. On the one hand, you’ll have an easier time studying and learning if you…
History Course Drop-Out
*while reading this post, please feel free to play the song “Beauty School Dropout” from the Grease soundtrack If you had asked me 12 months ago, I could never have predicted that I would have dropped two courses and credit-no-credited…
I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to participate in an Aboriginal Peer Mentorship Program put on by OISE this semester and my first mentoring session happened this week. OISE Elder-in-Residence Jacqui Lavalley and I went to visit…