After a month of stress-free warmth back in California, Toronto’s -20℃ temperatures were an abrupt reality check. Stepping out of the airport shivering in a light coat, I could feel the world enacting karma for every time I dared to…
Starting Fresh
The new year is in full swing and we’re just past the point where we can successfully write 2018 on our notes on the first try. No matter how cliché it sounds the new year is a great time to…
Using Rewards to Motivate Your Studying
Finals are approaching, and this is the moment when ultimate procrastination kicks in. I know I need to study, yet I end up with the urge to watch YouTube rather than review lecture slides. Does anyone else feel like they…
Missing Deadlines ?
What happens when you miss a deadline? I’ve always prided myself in being one of those people who isn’t often late, who doesn’t miss assignments and always has the ability to manage their time effectively. Well, guess what? I missed…
Productive Breaks
Our assignments and tests seem to be on a never-ending roller coaster ride. Just as quickly as the semester began, it is also coming to an end. We survived the post-summer blues, midterm season, and are currently going through that…
Learning How to Keep Organized and Balance
Throughout my first-year, I lacked a structured, personalized way of managing my time. I would scribble to-do lists on scrap pieces of paper, and had a ‘master’ paper of all my due dates, extracted from my course syllabus. This method…
Making the Most of Study Groups
Studying with friends is a lot of fun and can be a great way to stay motivated. After hours of sitting alone in a dorm room engrossed in readings, I found studying with friends to be a great way to…
How I Developed My Writing Skills
I have always loved English classes and writing, whether creative or essay-based. Throughout high school, the writing process was relatively natural for me. However, I took an English course in my first year that challenged me to amp up my…
From one procrastinator to another
It’s that time of the semester again. Deadlines. Finals coming up. More deadlines. And what does your brain say in response? Netflix. Youtube. “Just one more video”. We cut down on stuff that could actually help with studying like going…
Touring Soldier’s Tower
Soldiers’ tower was built in 1924 to honour the 1,185 U of T students and faculty who lost their lives in the two World Wars. With its beautiful archways and impressive form, Soldiers’ Tower is probably one of the most…