The new year is here, after what many would call a mediocre year. When reflecting on the last year, we often point out downfalls in society, and pin the disappointing parts of the year on anything but ourselves, to avoid facing the…
Weekly Worries: Will I Still Fit In With My High School Friends?
Now that exam season is coming to an end, winter holidays are fast approaching. Some people choose to spend the time relaxing around the city, while others visit family and friends. I am one of the latter- every year, I’ve…
Long Empty Hallways: How I Deal With a Tragic Exam Schedule
It’s official, we are officially half-way through our 49th week of Hallway Appreciation Year! Official Note: Hallway Appreciation Year is not officially recognized by any officials. Before we get to celebrating, let me explain a little bit. As I’m sure…
The Social Event That Is an All-Nighter
Before I get into things, it’s important to read this poem by Dennis Lee and understand how thoroughly I relate to it: Sometimes my mind is crazy Sometimes my mind is dumb Sometimes it sings like angel wings And beeps…
Maintaining Healthy Habits During Reading Week
If you found yourself at any of the club fairs or orientation events during the first few weeks of classes in September, you probably have laid your hands on one of the 3½ Things pamphlets put together by the Health…
Balancing Studying and Relaxation During Reading Week
We've gotten through it, the first half of the semester. The long-awaited Fall Reading Week is finally here. For many of us, it's a welcomed break from the demanding schedule of classes and early mornings. For others, relaxation is hard to think…
Why I Went Part-Time (And Why I Loved It)
Do you ever feel like you’re riding in a car that’s going just a bit too fast? This is how I felt by the time I was finished my second year of studies. People told me that university is for…
Self-Care and Understanding My Role in Decision-Making
This past week I had a bit of a funky experience. For starters, my email updated and my brain has yet to adjust to the new layout. I think we all know the disoriented feeling I’m referring to right now.…
25 Hours in a Day – Making Time for Everything
"While everyone is sacrificing sleep to get ahead of the game, sleep to actually get ahead of the game" - Having three classes back-to-back is not fun (especially around lunch time). Even if the buildings are next to each other..
Time Keeps On Slippin’
Back when I was in high school, my father would always tell me that I needed better time management skills. I'd like to say that now I'm a master of scheduling, a non-procrastinator who gets things done immediately with magical…