And, a continuation from last post, which is a continuation from the post before… U of T has a lot of students who may not know their way around to the entertainment areas in the city. While I can’t tell…
All Your Commute Are Belong To Bus
Liesl's Bus? I commute, yes? I can’t say it’s an interesting experience, because it’s all I’ve ever known. I know nothing outside of my familiar, demonic TTC bus route and Finch-University-Spadina Subway line. Okay, that was a stretch, but… yeah.…
Secret Services – Part II
As a continuation from last Post…. Well, exams are over (you wish!) and you’ve got a few nights to party before the Christmas Break rolls in. Here are some awesome restaurants to check out and end the school term…
So You Want To Feel Really Really Good?
Well, join the club! I'm not talking about the self-indulgent kind of "feeling good", none of the Godiva Chocoiste Dark Chocolate with Raspberry melt-in-your-mouth ecstasy, or the sleeping for 12 hours straight and waking up dazed kind of contentment. I'm…
The Tragedy of Needlessly Wasted Passion (Submit to HHR!)
BUT WAIT! It doesn't have to be this way! Fred, our heroic and artsie U of T student, CAN express himself... and so can you! -Heather
Get a little literary
Last weekend I got a little literary on myself, and before I went to work on Saturday, I walked down to Hart House and went to the Stories That Bind Festival, a free event celebrating multicultural writing, dancing, and performance…
Secret Services – Part I
I was walking down the intersection of St. George Street and Wilcocks Street, heading towards Sidney Smith, and I hear a young man say “Excuse me, do you know if there is a Post Office on campus?” Thinking fast, my…
Hissing Cockroaches and Confused Flowers: A History Student in the BIO150 Lab
There are some questions which never fail to rouse my curiosity. One of them pertains to how flowering plants, native to to the southern hemisphere but growing in small brown pots on my living room table, know that even though…
(Why Didn’t I Know About) The Centre for Women and Trans People
Well, people, U of T has a place called the Centre for Women and Trans People, all the way on the Spadina side of life; specifically at 563 Spadina Avenue, in the North Borden Building. Kind of by New College.…
Bloodletting Yet No Miraculous Cures
For those who did not get the Vincent Lam allusion, just think of the title as a more collegiate way of saying "screwed". Which many of us have been and will be during every midterm and exam season. The following,…