Despite having lived for several years with a number of artists, I don’t feel at all like I’ve got a tangible grasp on the meaning behind much fine art. If spelled out for me, the conceptual foundations behind certain pieces…
The First Family Now Looks Like My Family
…and not just in term of skin colour. They’ve got a Mom, two girls and a Dad, like mine. The only difference is that their Dad is going to be the next president, and mine did not live to see…
I Boogaloo-ed Electrically
Chris Berube (host of 89.5 CIUT’s Electric Boogaloo, fourth year U of T student and all around fabulous personage of the most stellar kind) offered me free cake. This is a picture of him right here. He looks like…
How to Build Relationships Based on Rare Encounters
Quick! "UofT students are disconnected from one another, and there's no sense of community whatsoever." True or false? If all test questions at UofT were this easy, I'd be well on my way to medical school by now*. While I…
Cozy Comfy Campus Crevices and Crannies
As a transfer student from Scarborough campus, St. George campus has always stood out to me as being the larger, older, and more extravagant campus. As a residence student, St. George campus stands out as the place to be in…
DROP FEES while I drop in a dazed heap onto the floor
I am still slightly frazzled upon returning (to the library? Not like I was here before) from the rally. I'm not even sure why, as I was not one of the can't-imagine-how-hard-they-must-be-working organizers keeping students in the right spots, handing…
Mais oui – you too can speak French on campus!
I’m not going to lie - it’s very scary to find yourself a participant amidst a large group of people sitting in a circle and speaking French. I’ve been in Toronto for six years, and have found many opportunities to speak…
UofT Library Saga Part IV: One More Reason To Love Gerstein
The university is always making changes here and there. Sometimes I kind of wish I had been born a few years later, so that now I'd actually be able to take advantage of all these new things the school has…
An Emo Story of Melancholy and Resurgence…and Free Tea
Pish with being cool and etc. I'm going to take a giant leap and be honest: It’s weird being a fifth year student. The buildings are all the same but now, the people in them are…different. I'm feeling like I…
Start with safety
It started off with a simple stop at Tim Horton’s late on a Saturday night. I had just arrived back on campus from my weekly trip home and hunger had decided to manifest and multiply in my stomach, with a…