I have an exam in 3.5 hours. Any coherent statements I make will have something to do to with the fundamental principles of justice, the prosecution process or police discretion. Turning off the criminal law in my brain seems impossible, so in…
The value of a bachelor’s degree
Now in my fourth and last year of undergrad, I look around me and see some people I know getting into professional schools, like medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, while others decide to continue their education in graduate school for either…
Random study/worky tips (or, $%@#%#$@ — OMG!)
It's the most wonderful time of the year... MULTI-ESSAY WEEK For other students, this may be Super-Multi-Exam Week, Superior-Memorization Week, Assignment-Death-Match Week, Read-All-Those-Chapters-You-Didn't-Read-for-the-Last-Three-Months Week, etc. In a desperate attempt to correct erroneous and dooming work habits of the past before…
Your college at U of T: St. Michael’s
How was your U.S. Thanksgiving weekend, dear readers? Lady Gaga was fantastic on Saturday night — why, thank you for asking, Monsters! She's my final treat before buckling down for exams, and it was absolutely worth it! Today for our…
Eight ways to guarantee an exam mark between C+ and F
They are here. Can you hear them? I can hear them. I can even smell them! Their papery little bodies quivering with laughter as they loom ghoulishly in the shadows, waiting to tear into me with their sharp claws. All right, so…
How not to go crazy during the exam crunch
Ah the glorious hell that is pre-exam time. Your room has dirty clothes and garbage (mostly packaging from unhealthy snacks) strewn across the floor and every other flat surface — amidst, of course, the disorienting sea of paper that has…
Sciences vs. humanities: A debate after class
I was walking home last week with a classmate. We got into a lively debate after he told me that he didn't really see the point in studying the humanities. Yes, I am currently completing my B.Sc. through Ecology &…
Seeing clearly
A perk of being an optometrist’s daughter is that you get to test out revolutionary technology. As a self-proclaimed, passionate anti-glasses individual, I've looked far and wide for a solution, and orthokeratology (ortho-k) is the answer. What is ortho-k, you…
Your College at U of T: Trinity
Good Monday, dear readers! I hope you had a fantabulous mini-break and caught up on things you needed to do, be it homework or essays or seeing friends or sleeping. I, for one, am inordinately pleased that I got caught…
How to approach your professors
B. How can the second letter of the alphabet create such a feeling of dread in me? In many cases, students find that their marks don't match the effort and time they put into an assignment. It can be discouraging…