Now that I’ve completed my first semester of my third year at U of T, I wanted to write an article explaining some important differences I’ve noticed between third year and other years. Of course, everyone’s third year experience will…
Speaking to Power: An Event Dedicated to Effective Communication
“FIVE RULES TO WRITING: Don’t think. Keep your hand moving. Don’t censor. Write the worst crap possible. You don’t have to share.” When I entered the room for last week’s Speaking to Power event, this was the first thing I…
Talking to Professors: They’re There for you!
As you’re probably experiencing by now, university brings many new experiences and challenges! To me, one of the biggest challenges was simply talking to professors. In high school, it was easy to create a connection with teachers mainly because classes…
A Day in My Life as a Life Science Student
When asked about what blog posts U of T students are interested in seeing on the Life at U of T blog, some of you mentioned a “day in my life”, so I’ve decided to make a blog post dedicated…
How I’m becoming confident at university: A mini-guide
All throughout my time in high-school I had to wear a uniform, and we were not allowed to wear any jewelry, makeup, nail polish, or basically any other accessory. It was easy; I woke up, put on my uniform, and…
First Year Seminar- How it Enhanced my University Experience
I thought I had a clear idea of what courses I would take in my first year, but when I began researching, I encountered this thing called breadth requirements *shudders*. As a result, I frantically searched for courses that would…
Mentorship = Mentoring + Relationship
Just like any relationship, it'll need time and effort. So I probably shouldn't just ask a person to mentor me after meeting them for the first time.
The Myths of Summer Classes
I know, I know, we're still not even done this semester. But it doesn't hurt to think ahead: March 1st was the first day to officially enroll in summer classes. However, since I was busy with my two posts on…
Missing Deadlines ≠ End of the World
My motivation went from 100 to 0, real quick
Posts on POSts Part 2: Uncertainty & Doubt
Last week, I talked about the technical side to enrolling in a Program of Study (POSt). This week, I'm talking about the other side of enrollment: the side that involves uncertainty, doubt, and trying to figure out what's right for…