Moments like now, or rather months like now –also known as one of the more intense months of doom- everyone I know is rushing to keep it all together for the month. A lot of the time it’s like going up…
Dude, Where’s Your Phone?
The last two weeks have been a little crazy for me, in between trying to deal with the impending dooms-deadline-day that is next Thursday, to a family emergency, it’s been really rough. Coming back to my dorm room after an…
ASSU and You: an interview with Katharine Ball
Despite the fact that the Arts & Science Students' Union (ASSU) represents approximately 23,000 full-time undergraduate students I have found that not many students (myself included) actually know all that much about ASSU or how it functions as a part of…
University Relationship Woes
Relationships can be hard in university, hell, relationships can be hard no matter what part of your life you are going through. They require work and time, and require you to actually like the person (yes this is important too…
Be More Professional–Like, Totally.
Remember the presentation I had to get over with last week? Well the results are in and my professor thinks I need to work on being more professional. Obviously, I did not present in a clownsuit...but I intentionally tried very…
The Back Door to U of T – The Millie Rotman Shime Academic Bridging Program
I was sitting in a hallway the other day waiting for my prof’s office hours to begin when another person sat down beside me. We got to talking and when I told her that my college was Woodsworth she immediately…
Being Peter Parker
With the Student Life Community Crew, The Ethics, Society and Law Students’ Association, The Underwear Club, Work-Study at the School of Public Policy and Governance, a service learning placement in the winter and a more-than-full course load—to say that I’ve…
The “Best” Me?
Lately, or at least since the school year started, I’ve been going to bed by reviewing the day I’ve had. Time and time again, I've been find myself coming back to the same question of if I'm being the best…
Tweeting your way to student engagement
Are you on Twitter? If not, you should be. To me Twitter is more than just another dumb social network (although it can totally seem like it sometimes) but a way for a person to stay constantly informed and up-to-date…
H(e)art House
While I’ve previously talked about finding myself, what I’m studying and how my college has helped me come to terms with who I am and what I hope to do, one of the places on campus that had an important…