Exercise. We all know it's good for us. It's an important part of a healthy lifestyle and an integral part to losing the Freshman 15. But you may have stepped into a gym, seen the following and just backed out.…
New to U of T? Here’s your UpbeaT guide to getting ready
Dear Froshies, Welcome to U of T St. George (UTSG) campus, where, in your next four years (or five...or six although this is generally more rare) of undergrad, you'll have the opportunity to be lost, and found, in every sense…
Still looking for a summer job? Don’t despair!
Don't have a summer job, but want one? I know a lot of you started summer job search as early as December, but some of you are still jobless, and I know - it's almost half way through the summer…
Out and proud with LGBTQ @ U of T!
Image Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rainbow_flag_and_blue_skies.jpg I still remember the first time a friend of mine told me he was gay. I didn't know how to respond, and all I could say was: "That's great. Oh. Oh." Looking back, I'm glad he was…
blogUT vs UpbeaT, ROUND 3, GO!
blogUT vs UpbeaT, ROUND 2, GO!
Happy Thursday! Contrary to the title, we're not actually going Rambo behind the scenes. Today in installment 2, we talk about the wonders of blogs and social media.
blogUT vs. UpbeaT, ROUND 1, GO!
Over the past week, I've had the pleasure of msn-ing the two editors of blogUT. Julia, Lori and I chatted about life as bloggers. So from today till Friday, I'll post our conversation in trilogy. Here's installment 1. Watch as I leave in the middle and leave the co-editors to fend for themselves.
Yes We Can – next year
You know how the beginning of every school year brings that feeling of childish hope, that…
U of T Radio: Money Money Money
Chris is an undergrad who wears bowties and sweaters and threatens to leave a trail of energy on the floor behind him. I work two days a week behind a desk at CIUT and when I hear the sound of…
A Kaleidoscope of Student Experience in 3 days!
Ah, the mutlitude of student experiences, culminated into one week to drive a person insane! The Luncheon I started my week on Monday with an English take home exam being slapped down on my desk, with a 48-hour deadline. "I…