I wouldn't normally associate insects and crafting, but I recently made a friend in one of my EEB classes who is also into knitting, sewing and making crafts. We decided, while making hymenoptera collections, to venture out last night to see…
Research project poster presentations
As I mentioned in an earlier post, the deadlines for undergraduate research courses are looming before us. Two related events - ones that could be really helpful for students thinking of applying to any one of these courses - are…
Be sustainable, be green!
"Hey Cynthia, can you come to the shop for 9:30 a.m. on Friday? We gotta move it to Hart House." "It" is the Blue Sky Solar Car team's baby, named Cerulean. I joined the team two years ago, but since…
Xxxtremely educational things to do on campus
McGill has its Playboy-ranked party school reputation. Western has its strippers unfathomable acts of promiscuity. Queen's has its infamous Homecoming craze. York, Ryerson and OCAD have their fair share of hot 'n' bothered bodies. And U of T has...Canada's answers…
Making sense of the U of T elections
You've seen the posters everywhere on campus - Vote for so-and-so! And somewhere in your subconscious, you probably realized there's an election coming up at the University. But if you're like me, you just don't care. It has nothing to…
Researching research projects at U of T
I've met a lot of people recently who are working on undergraduate research projects through various departments of the university. Just as they sound, these half- and full-year courses (for credit) involve working on an independent research project that's planned…
Education at its best: Limnology in Algonquin Park and ornithology in the Caribbean
I had always thought that my dream job (naive as it may sound) would involve being on-site somewhere, perhaps with my afternoons spent deep in the archives of a foreign library, scrolling over the brittle vellum of a medieval manuscript;…
I <3 the Library!
Happy Monday, dear readers! Reading Week is approaching, and if you’re like me, you’ve been hitting the stacks to do research for your papers. Have you noticed this poster? The Library is holding a video contest! It’s the perfect opportunity…
Social Impact 101
One of the things that I resolved to try this school year was to attend lectures and seminars offered at U of T that weren't necessarily related to my subject of study. Luckily, this resolution was much easier to keep…
He Shoots … She SCORES! U of T Athletics are for Everyone!
I've realized that, with five female bloggers, UpbeaT tends to lack in the athletics area of blog writing. Don't get me wrong, it's not that we can't write about sports - women can be great sports bloggers and, of course,…