Being a student isn't that bad, since ya know : mo money mo problems. If you're a student at U of T chances are you aren't made of money. In fact, despite the hipster Starbucks stereotype spread by people and…
Sarah “Honey BooBoo” vs. the LSATs: Round Two
Remember that Eagle/Wind proverb I always quote? Well, here’s how it helped me get past screwing up on a standardized test. Just like the eagle needs wind to soar higher, we need to be challenged to grow. Writing the LSAT…
Small College, Big Community
For all of the flack Trin gets, I find it ironic that the three most important things that set Trin apart from other colleges are rarely mentioned, three things which really make it one of the most inviting atmospheres on…
When you don’t get your first choice, or second, or even your third…
So. We're talking about our colleges this week. A lot of my time applying for U of T was spent trying to figure out how I should rank the colleges. I was too far away from Toronto to actually visit…
how I met my college.
Author's Note: Different students will have different reactions to this post. Trinity College students will probably find this post annoying. UC students will probably find this post awesome. Other college students will probably be apathetic towards to this post. Please…
My College and I
This week at Life @ U of T we will be trying something new! All posts this week will be dedicated to providing you with a diverse set of perspectives on U of T’s college system and the significance or lack…
Dear Fourth Year Me
Dear Fourth Year Me, I know, you made it! Lucky for you that Mayan Calendar-end-of-the-world thing was just a phase right? As you gear up to say goodbye to what were the most eventful years of your young adulthood, let's…
How to make the most out of Chinatown
I think I've said this before, but one of the most exciting things about going to school downtown is all the exploring you get to do. For someone who grew up in small-city Edmonton, Toronto is a whole 'nother concrete…
the way it is – a letter to my first year self.
If you aren't familiar with this song, you are probably familiar with Tupac's Changes. That song heavily samples "The Way It Is". To my first year self, So, you're sitting at home constantly googling "U of T" and seeing what…
Meet Jessica, My Soul-Sister
httpv:// That’s what friendship means to me. Camaraderie. Ride or die. Through thick and thin. I would not have survived the last two years without the friends I have made at UofT. I used to think that true friendship was…