Orientation week is a changing thing. Heraclitus would laugh at me, I’m sure, but it is intriguing to really experience the proverbial passage of time. To think that I am getting older, that I may be out of touch. For…
The Truth About TCards
So I had to replace my TCard. The little photograph of my face had turned into a blurred mess of white and blue. But visiting the TCard office at Robarts Library was an air-conditioned treat on a hot Monday afternoon…
A Part Time Job: Pros and Cons
Last Saturday I went to Hart House to work on a cover letter. A haven for the studious and the sleepy. When I discovered Hart House library in the second week of first year, I knew I was home. (#startUofT…
The Secret to the Perfect Schedule
Thursday, August 8, 2013 - 6:02 am: Stephen: No, No! It says it’s ‘Temporarily Out of Service’! Is yours working? Leah: It’s loading! Stephen: Mine’s not even loading! Leah: I’m on! Stephen: You are? Leah: NOO! Stephen: What happened? Leah:…
Keepin’ it Awkward (And Living in the Now)
August is here. If you’re anything like me, your mind is skipping ahead to that second week of September, when things will change again and you’ll be balancing school, perhaps work, family, and life stuff, all at warp speed. The…
5 Reasons Why August is the Best
And . . . it’s August! How do we feel about the last month of summer? (#startUofT Is August good or bad?) I like August. A lot! So I compiled a short list of reasons to prove, quite undeniably, why…
A New Home Awaits
Last weekend I flew to Vancouver to visit my brother. I have been out west several times, as my mom’s side of the family lives in British Columbia. This time, however, I started thinking more about the experience of coming…
On Treasures and Good Ways: First Nations House @ U of T
There is something about First Nations House at U of T that keeps pulling me back to its colourful walls and its people. When I walk in, I feel at home. Last week, I met with the wonderful Lee Maracle. This…
My U of T
As my favourite English secret agent once said, “Allow myself to introduce myself” (#secretagent if you know who I am talking about!). Hi. My name is Stephen and this will be my final year at the University of Toronto. I…
Introducing this year’s Community Crew!
A hearty welcome to new U of Ters, and Big Ups to those of you continuing your very own Life @ U of T. I’d like to you all to meet this year’s Community Crew!! Abdullah When I first…