I spent most of my Friday last week at the Orientation for Alternative Reading Week! I went into it not really knowing what to expect, but it was really fun to meet my teammates and let me appreciate yet again…
My Experience at DemocracyXChange
DemocracyXChange is an annual summit for Canada’s emerging democracy sector, consisting of various panels and presentations. Through my position at CCP, I was fortunate enough to attend and help out! I was at an open space event beforehand and then…
Are You Ready to “Map The System”?
Hello everyone! The second semester is officially in full swing and winter has also finally arrived in all its glory. Please stay warm and try to keep your spirits up so that you can focus properly on school and getting…
New Semester, New Opportunities! (Coverage on the Grant Info Night)
Hello everyone and welcome back to school! I’m super excited for this semester because there is a lot coming up (both CCP and otherwise) that I know will be very exciting and will provide a lot of great opportunities for…
Staying Involved During The Holidays
Winter has kicked in and the holiday season is upon us! First semester sure has gone by quickly; I can’t believe this is my last post! (until the new year, don’t worry). Even though it’s exam season, some of you…
Community Conversations
“Community Conversations” was an inspiring discussion among people who do work (or are interested) in community engagement on multiple levels and in a variety of areas. It was mostly all students, although there were community partners and other CCP members…
Start Thinking About ARW!
So what is ARW? ARW stands for Alternative Reading Week and it is an program offered by the Center for Community Partnerships, which allows UofT students to immerse themselves in different community projects in the city for three days during…
The Main Event-City Building: Careers With Impact
So last week, I wrote a post about my reflections on “What Makes A City Great?” (link:http://blogs.studentlife.utoronto.ca/lifeatuoft/2018/11/12/what-makes-a-city-great/) and this past Thursday, I attended the main event at Hart House called “City Building: Careers with Impact”, which was an event open…
What Makes A City Great?
What Makes A City Great? It’s an interesting and important question to consider, especially if you’re a UofT student who lives in the city or at least spends a significant amount of time here (taking classes, working, commuting...etc). Your surroundings…
Learning More About Myself: The Work Study and Student Staff Summit
There is a plethora of opportunities at UofT to connect with your peers, and to learn more about conducting yourself in professional and academic environments. I attended an event at Hart House called The Work Study and Student Staff Summit,…