Starting again after Reading Week

First week back and I feel I'm already struggling to keep up. During Reading Week, I decided to take a break for myself, and unfortunately I was not as productive as I had hoped I'd be. However, I must admit that the couple of readings that I did do, and the couple of notes that I did take allowed me to submit everything I had due on time, while also allowing me to enjoy a few days off.
Francesca standing on the sidewalk in front of a garden and a large building.
How I felt after doing work during my short break in Ottawa
Starting over after a break is never easy. It is incredible how fast I can get used to waking up late! Taking Reading Week to rest made me realize how hard I have been working throughout the semester, and it gave me time to reflect on how I've been doing and how I want to approach the last couple of weeks of class. I went over all my due-dates and wrote them all down. This helps me know how much work I have due each week, and which assignments I should work on in advance, and which ones are going to take me less time. Knowing these dates has helped me feel less stressed about the end of the semester. The other thing I realized after Reading Week, is that time does fly by. September and October came and went, and now we're already half-way through November. The ground is already covered in snow and the Christmas Market is open! What do I make of this? That while school is for sure among my top priorities, I also want to make time for my friends and the people around me, and getting out and exploring the city. Shifting my priorities is a bit of a shock to me, but I'm certain it will be for good.
Francesca looking to the side with a cup of hot chocolate in her hands. Behind her there's a brick wall covered by fairy lights.
Christmas Market means I can wear my light-up scrunchie!
Finally, I've realized that I had been prioritizing certain classes over others. This led to my grades beingĀ all over the place, some really good, some not so much. What this means to me is that I will try to prioritize all classes equally, for I chose them all because IĀ wanted to take them. As I said previously, though, I do want to prioritize other things along with school, so this means I will have to change the way in which I do my reading and how I complete my assignments, but I'm sure that doing this will be good practice for me in the future.
A small indoors garden with a winding path in the middle. Picture taken from the second floor. Blue light is shining down on the garden.
Inside the National Gallery of Canada - A beautiful moment that called for reflection.
A few little changes before the end of school are never a bad idea. I am confident that doing all of these little things will help me end the first semester successfully, and prepare for the rest of the year to come. Let me know in the comments if you are also making any changes after reflecting over Reading Week!  

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