Hello everyone! This week I wanted to talk about an important part of the community here at UofT which is the Multi-Faith Centre! The Multi-Faith Centre is in the same building as the Centre For Community Partnerships where I work (Koffler House!) and there is always a lot going on every week, ranging from discussion panels, meditation sessions, and religious/spiritual gatherings. It’s a wonderful space that not enough students utilize, so please check it out!Just last week, the Multi-Faith Centre launched their exhibit called Faces of Faith and the aim was to showcase the diversity on campus with personal profiles on students of different religious backgrounds. Check out a Facebook live about it here: https://www.facebook.com/uoft.studentlife.73/videos/346481899543366/I was featured in this exhibit as a representative Sikh student and I was interviewed by Mateo Sdl Ossio, an Intern at the Multi-Faith Centre who worked on this project. I thought that the interview was very well conducted because it was geared towards understanding me as a student and how I connected to my faith. It was a profile based off of my individual experience instead of a profile on Sikhism, which I appreciated. The exhibit launch at Hart House was very well done, with food and an emphasis on small group discussions about faith and our experiences on campus. I met some very interesting people and loved seeing the different profiles of students as well.After the exhibit, I asked Mateo to speak to me about why the the Multi-Faith Centre is important and about his experience with the Faces of Faith exhibit. Here is what he said: “It was such a unique and rewarding experience having a role in the creation of the Faces of Faith exhibit! What began as an exciting but scary undertaking, turned into informative (if not transformative) experience that I want to continue. Also, so much is happening at the multi-faith centre- it brings together communities, people with communities, and also connects people to create new communities through the spaces it creates. The key to creating community is the centre’s welcoming attitude towards individuals who are all interested in getting to know more about others whose practices differ from their own. I think that goes a long way on our search for like-minded people because being “like-practiced” does not have to go hand-in-hand with like-mindedness!” There you have it folks! I hope this piece gave you more insight into the Multi-Faith Centre and the wonderful work that they do over there. Be sure to check out the exhibit in Hart House, it will be up until the end of this week.My Profile! 🙂
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