U of T has big spaces, countless faces, and some bucket-list worthy places. Whether you’re just beginning your time here at U of T or about to end it, there are still a few things you should do before graduating to make the most of your “university experience.” I’m in my fourth year and can say, as obvious as some of these may sound, between midterms, assignments, and going bald from all the stress, some of these things might be forgotten on your undergraduate journey. These are in no particular order:
- Attend (or participate) in a student production
- Skule Nite by the engineering students is probably one of the funniest shows put on at Hart House Theatre
- The Faculty of Music also has amazing performances and events you can attend almost any day of the year.
- The Free Friday Film Program at the Innis Town Hall Cinema might not be a student production, but it is student run – and free.
2) Try out New College’s breakfast
- They are known to have one of the best dining halls so even if you’re not part of the college, it is definitely worth trying out their food
3) Have a photoshoot
- This might sound silly but set a day for this. Where on campus is not an insta-worthy spot? Even the basements in the less attractive buildings somehow manage to look great on camera. It’s weird but so great at the same time.
4) Get published somewhere/displayed at an exhibition
- Feel great about putting your name on something you did – whether it’s a The Varsity, a college or faculty magazine, an art exhibition or even a competition!
5) Library hop
- Try studying in all 44 or so libraries at least once – or you know, cry in them. Here’s a list of all of them: U of T Libraries
6) Visit the Varsity Centre
- Go run (have a picnic) on the varsity stadium track
- Go skating for free at the Varsity Stadium
- Take part in the Tri-Campus U of T Parade during Orientation Week and see the field transform into an ocean of cheers and colours by all the colleges, faculties, and campuses.
- Even if you’re not much of a sports person, it’s still a great experience to cheer on the Varsity Blues at a big game!
7) Visit everything.
- Go through every building at least once and basically have the knowledge of an unofficial tour guide.
- Attend an event hosted by every faculty and college just to see what they’re like (and then find comfort in knowing you chose the right place to be)
- Sit in on a random lecture, and if you can – participate!
8) Pull an all-nighter on campus.
- To think some may have actually never pulled all-nighters sounds crazier than hearing my friends say, “I haven’t slept in 52 hours.” Spending all night at a library (or in my case, the architecture studio) is an experience of its own. It’s actually kind of beautiful watching the sun rise and hearing the birds wake up.
9) Make it from first-year Con-Hall madness to the graduation-day walk down the stage.
What are some things on your U of T Bucket-list?
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