I was reading “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” today—amid my mountain of course readings, I like to have at least one book of my own choosing on the go at all times—and I stumbled across a quote that really stuck:“Fall. Right outside here it was spring a while back, then it was summer, and now it’s fall—that’s sure a curious idea.” (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Kesey, 155).Fall really does sneak up on you! It lulls you into a false sense of security with its pretty colours and its fancy themed beverages (#PSL), but don’t be fooled. All of a sudden, the trees will be bare, the weather will be too cold to bear, and we will all want to make like bears and hibernate.Fall and winter are great, don't get me wrong, but there are certain summery things I'll miss doing when the cold takes over. That's why I, your friendly neighbourhood weather girl/GoT reference, am here to inform you that winter is coming—but we still have time.Instead of looking at the impending cold as a problem, I take it as a challenge. In the few coat-less days that we have left, the race is on. I challenge myself, and you, to do as many of our favourite warm weather activities as we can. Here are some of my ideas:1. Join the sweet summer children in King’s College CircleRound up some friends for a game of Frisbee, do some cloud gazing, or kick a ball around; we have to make the most of that gorgeous green grass before it becomes a muddy, swampy, icy no-go zone.There aren’t too many clouds to gaze at on this particular day2. Study outsideI don’t know about you, but I find it a lot harder to flip pages with mittens on. Now is the time to take advantage of all the gorgeous outdoor study spots on and around campus. One of my favourite spots to do a reading or two in between classes is the outdoor market in front of Club Monaco, at the corner of Bloor and Queen’s Park. It has a salad vendor, coffee shop, and bakeshop—the Nutella cookies are amazing!This pop-up market will run until sometime mid-fall, depending on the weather3. Take part in an outdoor eventCatch some outdoor theatre on campus—the Trinity College quad will play host to “The Winter’s Tale” October 1st-3rd, Nuit Blanche—the all-night contemporary art event featuring indoor and outdoor installations—will take over the city this Saturday, and the last Pedestrian Sunday at Kensington Market is yet to come!4. Ice cream!Do you hear that sound? That nostalgic, melodious tune is fading as the ice cream trucks migrate south for the winter. I think one last cone is in order, with extra sprinkles.Why is it that ice cream tastes better out of a truck?I don’t know about you, but I’m not going down without a fight; the cold weather can pry my iced coffee from my cold, caffeinated hands.If you feel the same, let me know what you have on your countdown-to-cold to-do list in the comments below!
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