Are you on Twitter? If not, you should be. To me Twitter is more than just another dumb social network (although it can totally seem like it sometimes) but a way for a person to stay constantly informed and up-to-date on a variety of topics that may interest them. In terms of student life and engagement here at the University of Toronto I’ve found that Twitter has a surprising amount of utility!
Twitter is great for what I like to call “passive” student engagement. While ideally I would encourage every student to get involved in campus life in some capacity or another I am aware that this is simply not a feasible expectation to have (we all approach our time as undergraduates differently, some with a more zealous approach to student life than others). It is along this line of thought where I like to think of Twitter as being a very beneficial tool in allowing you to, in the very least, stay up-to-date on campus life and events with minimal effort on your part. Simply knowing what’s going on in this big campus is half the battle for many of us and it is ultimately the first step in turning a passive approach to student life into an active one.
Below is a list of a few accounts that I think every U of T Tweeter should Follow. It is in no way an exhaustive list of the accounts available at the university as almost
every campus organization/group/institution is Tweeting nowadays – spanning all aspects of the university. Consider this list as a little something to help you get started:
Faculty of Arts & Science (@ArtSciRegistrar)
U of T's largest and most prominent faculty - this account is especially great for reminding you of those really important dates that can sometimes slip your mind!

Hart House (@HartHouse)
U of T’s co-curricular hub, follow Hart House to get information about the plethora of events and activities happening within its walls – you’re bound to find something that’ll pique your interest!

U of T News (@UofTNews) and U of T Arts & Science (@UofTArtSci)
Follow all the important news coming out of U of T! From new programs and initiatives to groundbreaking research – there’s always something happening at the university you call home!

U of T Bookstore (@UofTBookstore)
Two words: secret sales.
Life @ U of T (@lifeatuoft)
The official Twitter account of the website you’re currently reading! Get firsthand accounts of how engagement in student life has affected the lives of real students. Also be sure to follow the Life @ U of T Community Crew Tweeters:
Chris, and
U of T Problems (@UofT_Problems)
My last recommendation is an account not officially affiliated with the university, but I think it's worth following anyway. This a great place for you to vent whatever frustrations you may have with the university, 140 characters at a time.

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