As a transfer student from Scarborough campus, St. George campus has always stood out to me as being the larger, older, and more extravagant campus.
As a residence student, St. George campus stands out as the place to be in the heart of downtown – a quite peaceful neighbourhood on the fringe of a tantalizing, vivacious nightlife.
But as a person with two tired legs, a massive backpack, and a schedule that drags me around campus, I am always looking for interesting study/safe havens for the average student. I have come across some common and obscure places, both indoors and outdoors, where students can rest their feet, grab a drink, and study.
Welcome to 40 Willcocks Street:
If you are ever in the neighbourhood, looking for a hang out place between College Street and Robarts Library, you can pop over on Wilcocks Street, and head down until you reach Wilson Hall. In that building, you can find great lounging areas on the second floor – with areas set so you can sleep, stretch your legs and enjoy a quiet nap.
If you want to hold a meeting, or work on a paper, the building also contains a room with glass walls, which contains couches, a large table and many chairs so that you can hold a group study session late at night, or camp out there before class.
Welcome to Victoria College Café:
You’re at one end of the campus, and the trek seems so far? Never fear – you can sneak into Victoria College. Upon entering the main entrance, large brown comfy couches are available for your sitting pleasure. The real treasure, however, is the student run café located on the main floor. The Café features coffees, teas, hot drinks, cookies, chocolate and more – perfect for an in between-class-snack, or a pick-me-up before the ride home. The café has wonderful couches, and a large meeting-room-like table, where students can wirelessly connect to the Internet and work while drinking something warm and toasty.
Welcome to the Koffler Student Services Centre:

Many people are familiar with the Koffler building, but its relatively unknown that there is a third floor. If you head past the bookstore (from the entrance viewing the career center) and up the stairs, you will find yourself near the Student Housing Office. Up one more set of large marble steps will land you in, what I like to call a “sub-floor” between the 2nd and 3rd that contains plush chairs for the average student relaxation in a quiet setting.
Welcome to the E.J. Pratt Library:
Right across from Victoria College, you can enjoy the Pratt Library – equipped with a special service of lending students laptops (free of charge) for 3 hours. Pratt Library has, as in the pictures, chairs for students to sit and plug their laptops into the floor outlets, while enjoying the natural sunlight and working in a quiet, library setting.
In and Out
Welcome to University College:
UC, with all its maze-like structure has both an indoor and outdoor appeal. Indoors, there is a Junior Common room (which, is actually easy to find by following the signs) that contains wonderful table space to study, as well as a reclusive balcony area. Outside, students can enjoy the earthly beauty of UC Quad that has benches and beautiful space for a picnic or relax in the shade. UC also holds great appeal at night time, and is a beautiful spot to view on campus during the night.
If there's one more warm spell this fall, and as spring blooms in early 2009, you can enjoy some wonderful outdoor hotspots.
Welcome to Morrison Hall:
Enter in 75 St. George Street’s prominent building of Morrison Hall. Under the main entrance arch, you are transported to an outdoor extravaganza, with beautiful pathways, benches. You can enjoy a nice walk in the autumn weather
Welcome to Knox College:

Fondly known as “the cloister”, Knox College’s breezeway has the comforts of outdoor fresh air, and the protection of the indoors with a shelter. Most incredible during a rainfall, students can enter through Knox’s main entrance and travel though to the cloister to the set tables, benches and chairs. Students can even connect to Internet wirelessly from this area and enjoy the beautiful area simultaneously.
These are just come of the great spaces for students to check out, to enjoy for studying, relaxing. Our campus has wonderful spaces that cater to experiencing your university resources.
Fariya, I must congratulate you for discovering some of St. George campus’ amazingly comfy spots. How on earth you managed to find all these in such a short amount of time (given that you are new to this campus and all) is beyond my comprehension lol. There’s also this spot inside of Lash Miller that I’ve been trying to get to, because everytime I visit their library, I always walk past the floor below it and it looks amazing.
Hey Lucy!
Thanks for the awesome comment – I guess I’ve just been looking around our campus. Every 2 weeks I make it a point to go see somewhere new on our campus. Just last week I came a across an amazing meditation room with greenary and soothing water sounds in a building along Spadina Crescent. Its amazing whats on our campus (I didnt even know we had a Spadina Crescent!)
Thanks for the comment 🙂
That would be the Multi-faith Centre: 🙂
Oh, by the way, I found this blog on BlogUT – I know its about “cozy” spots on campus (not the cozy I intended) but I thought I’d share the link – I had NO idea there were so many waterfalls on campus 🙂
How does the Multi-faith centre actually work? Can I still use it if I’m not of any particular religion?
Absolutely. For example, that meditation room that Fariya found is open to anyone. They also have events that are pretty cool, like the Peace & Justice Cafe every Thursday night.