Toronto is a city of hustle and bustle, so when you add the beautiful summer sun into the mix it can be a challenge to find anywhere that’s not sporting a crowd of people. Who else waited in absurd lines…
Take a Deep Breath and Don’t Worry About Breadth
With course selection right around the corner, for the indecisive bunch, figuring out what to take can be a tricky task. I remember starting my studies and hearing the words “breadth requirements” a lot. Not really knowing what that meant,…
My Favourite Ways to Celebrate Spooky Season
It’s October, the seasons are changing, there’s beautiful colours all around us, and it’s the time for cozy sweaters and hot chocolate. It’s also the time of ghosts and ghouls, scary movie marathons and of course -- CANDY. It’s also…
The 8k and The End
I DID IT, Y’ALL! I RAN THE 8K THAT I’VE BEEN STRESSING ABOUT ALL YEAR!! I didn’t get much sleep the night before – pre-race jitters always get me. Despite having a stomachache out of sheer nervousness, I tried to…
Taking a Break with Green Spaces
Living in downtown Toronto can be fun, and as U of T students we're rarely bored. But it's easy to forget that living in the concrete jungle, we don't experience nature as much as we probably should. Here, then, are…
Sometimes You Need a Break
I was sitting in the lower lounge of E.J. Pratt library last week when I looked outside and realized that there was waterfall just outside the glass, and that somehow I had been completely oblivious of it despite having sat right beside it for four days in a row.

Gardens for Your Mind
Did you have a big backyard where you grew up? Or any backyard? A front yard? A nearby park? A garden? A house plant? Maybe you lived away from the cities where lands are still open and wild. Even if…
Campus Getaways
I would pretty confidently call myself a city person. Ever since deciding to come to the University of Toronto I’ve wholeheartedly embraced city living and I cannot see myself living outside of a city anytime in my immediate future. That…
Nurture and nature your emotional, physical and mental health and well-being
You know what gives me #joyatUofT? Being outside and beating the winter blues; whether I’m sledding, or taking a walk in the park. However, lately, the slushy roads, the face numbing wind and the chill that has enveloped Toronto so…
On Restoring a Good Heart and a Good Mind
Just around the bend on the east side of Spadina Circle centre lies a beautiful building on campus with a score of knowledge stored inside of its walls. Did you know that U of T has a First Nations House?…