Thirty seconds of lunges. High-five Dara. Thirty seconds of bent-over band rows. High-five Dara. Repeat. Repeat. Jog to next station. Thirty seconds of mountain climbers. High-five Dara. Thirty seconds in plank position. High-five Dara. Repeat. Repeat. Jog to next station.…
That hurt. My first encounter with Frosh Fit was a painful experience. As I type this, my biceps, thighs, abs, and calves are burning with the red-hot intensity of ten fiery suns. This may sound melodramatic, but I haven’t worked…
How to play squash on campus
This year, in my commitment to stay fit and get involved in physical activity on campus, I've tried activities I'd never imagined I could do. I've learned throws at Tae Kwon Do, gotten my groove on at Zumba, pumped iron…
Naginata what?
Aikido, Jiu-jitsu, Karate, Taekwando... I'm sure you've heard of these forms of East Asian martial arts, but have you heard of Naginata? Naginata is a form of martial arts that uses a pole with a blade. I chanced upon the…
Indulge…in a campus spa day
Readers, how was Reading Week? Did any of you take advantage of the (fingers crossed) last dump of snow and go for a skate or a cross-country ski? Instead of spending my Reading Week writing my sociology paper, I had…
Shooting with the Archery Club
Happy post-Reading Week, dear readers! Please tell me that you also did everything but reading, because that's what I did. Thoughts on last night's Oscars? I was completely and utterly enamored with Anne Hathaway's many style changes, but that's about…
Take some initiative towards a new student initiative
Looking to get involved outside of the classroom at U of T? You’re at the right place. The Student Life website, Ulife website (and of course lifeatuoft blog) are the right places to start looking. Have you already browsed the list…
Take on a new challenge this weekend… The Hart House Film Challenge!
I have always wanted to film a documentary. It's just one of those things that I would love to cross off my bucket list one day. I've since realized that films take time, skills, resources, editing, and sometimes even a…
Student Savings and Money Matters
As the holiday season had come and gone, I couldn’t help but notice the same trend happening with my Christmas cash and the money I had saved up in my bank account. I blame a combination of exam stress and…
Get in the zone with Break Zone
The last week of classes are looming upon us and before you know it we get a taste of sweet freedom (aka Holiday break). But before we can take that breath of fresh air, we have to endure the stress and anxiety…