If I were to ever be picked up and interrogated by cops about what I did on a specific day at a specific time, I'd be in trouble big time. Most days, I can barely remember what I ate for…
You know that thing that sometimes happens when you’re about to fall asleep but then all of a sudden you feel like you’re falling, you jerk violently, and you’re wide awake again? That’s how I feel when I realize I have forgotten something.I don’t usually forget things; I’m a reasonably organized person and I have systems that I use to keep on top of things.An oldie but a goodieEvery now and then, though, the occasional task slips through the cracks. One such occasion was just a little while ago. I’m taking this really interesting Legal Workshops course; I get to attend a few workshops at the Faculty of Law throughout the year. At the beginning of September, I chose the workshops I was interested in and signed up. I marked the workshops I signed up to attend in my calendar. I put them on my phone. You may have guessed, however, that I recently missed one.