A very warm (figuratively speaking) welcome back, fellow U of T comrades! I hope you’re all finding ways to fight off the cold other than lingering over sidewalk heat vents on your morning walk to campus. All jokes aside, it has…
I’ve always had a love for experimentation—just to see what happens. Being a student of psychology has really amplified that tendency. I first came across the concept of cold showers after reading an article on Ray Cronise1, a former NASA…
Alas my friends I have fallen ill with the dreaded March head cold. There could be no worse time of the year to contract this virulent pestilence that renders my brain nothing more than a cloudy, congested dome of confusion.…
So we're all back to the grind now. I've been busy searching the internet for used text books, waiting in line at the book store, and just trying to get back into my routine. It's pretty much business as usual. This…
With winter in its hey-day, the sun’s free vitamin D has all but disappeared. However, viruses are available in abundance! There’s so many to choose from, how will I be able to decide? Maybe a cold, or flu, or a…