From courses in clowning and tango, to the use of a pass/fail credit system as opposed to grades, my experience at Sibelius has definitely been different than at U of T! In case you are looking for a more in-depth…
I Tried New Learning Techniques – Here’s How it Went
In my three years at U of T, I have tried many ways to learn course material and complete my assignments, especially when I quickly found that the ways I learned in high school were no longer applicable. My prior…
Why I Love Visiting Profs in Office Hours
Office hours are designated hours professors/sessional lecturers holds weekly, in which you can go and talk to them about a variety of topics without making an appointment. Most professors list their office hours in the syllabus of their course, so…
How I beat the winter blues during reading week
During the winter term of first year, I stayed at my residence on campus for reading week. There was nothing wrong about this except...I felt very depressed. I still don't know the exact cause. I vividly remember that I was…
Finding joy wherever I go!
I've always believed in the importance of slowing down and looking around us. Beauty is everywhere! This week I've been reminded of this over and over again. It rained aaaall weekend. When Monday came, the rain seemed to have stopped.…
A Study Hub Classic
As students of U of T, we really lucked out with our campus. It’s beautiful all year round and has so many buildings, which means so many different places to study... While I love the libraries as much as the…
The Four Ways I Manage the Winter Semester
The winter semester is usually when I need to take more time focusing on my health and wellbeing. The short days, the gloomy and fluctuating weather, and simply having hard classes have really taken a toll. My main concerns have…
Real Voices About Mental Health on Campus
Today is Bell Let's Talk. I gathered students' opinions, experiences, and what they've noticed at U of T in terms of mental health. Here are some real voices: It takes time to realize that to be mentally healthy in a…
My New Year’s Resolutions as a Student
As the new year begins, I (like others) have many resolutions for the upcoming year, so I wanted to dedicate this post to sharing some of mine. Engaging in lectures: Last year, I realized that I wasn’t actually learning in lectures, but…
Alternative Reading Week: Community Leadership and Compassion
Alternative Reading Week (ARW) is a bi-annual program that encourages students to connect with their communities, develop skills such as verbal communication, and participate in social justice initiatives. Last year, for the first time at St. George Campus, ARW occurred…