I wouldn't normally associate insects and crafting, but I recently made a friend in one of my EEB classes who is also into knitting, sewing and making crafts. We decided, while making hymenoptera collections, to venture out last night to see…
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I don't think there was another question I was asked more often as a child. I still get that even now, only the "grow up" bit has been replaced with "graduate." Or, if you're the aunt who doesn't like me…
Uh oh, summer’s just around the corner…
... and so are the deadlines! Hard to believe, huh? I participated in a legal competition last weekend and met a friend I hadn't seen in several years. She mentioned that she, like me, is intending to write the June…
Grad fears and existential woes: the unaccustomed Asian kid’s perspective
As I walked across King's College Circle the other day, I caught sight of the familiar downtown Toronto backdrop sparkling in the clear night sky. When I graduate, I will miss this place, I thought. Shocking, I know. Some of…
What to do when your go train derails
I think sometime last week the driver of my train of thought started drinking and then she fell asleep. The train didn’t crash; it slowly lost steam and veered at a snail’s pace off course into some rather large bushes.…
Research project poster presentations
As I mentioned in an earlier post, the deadlines for undergraduate research courses are looming before us. Two related events - ones that could be really helpful for students thinking of applying to any one of these courses - are…
Be sustainable, be green!
"Hey Cynthia, can you come to the shop for 9:30 a.m. on Friday? We gotta move it to Hart House." "It" is the Blue Sky Solar Car team's baby, named Cerulean. I joined the team two years ago, but since…
Re-mark or not to re-mark? That is the question.
Last week I received a midterm mark back - an ouch mark*. You can imagine how upset I was. I have studied very hard this semester in an attempt to achieve a straight-A average (which, going by the ouch marks, I am falling…
Xxxtremely educational things to do on campus
McGill has its Playboy-ranked party school reputation. Western has its strippers unfathomable acts of promiscuity. Queen's has its infamous Homecoming craze. York, Ryerson and OCAD have their fair share of hot 'n' bothered bodies. And U of T has...Canada's answers…
Art! Dessert! Costumes! ESU’s Alice in Wonderland Cocktail Fundraiser
Around this time each year, everyone starts holding their end-of-the-semester-awesomeness events and I always find myself at Game Night in Computer Science Land. In the past I've poked fun at the 'English Student Union' (in quotes because at the time…