As someone who spent their summers away from the city during high school, academia has never been part of my holiday plan. This year is different. Moving back home to Ottawa for four months, knowing that my job wouldn’t…
A reflection: how to leave the year behind
“This is the last time we’re going to be here together. All of us. In this classroom. It’s the last time.” I just walked out of my last creative writing class for the year. Never have I so seriously felt…
When in Greece…
This reading week I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Athens, Greece through the Faculty of Arts and Science's International Course Module program in conjunction with the Human Biology Department’s Global Health research course. As a Global Health student,…
Studying Abroad This Summer?
As the semester’s end is quickly approaching and the fresh breath of spring is in the air, this last week’s warm weather has me thinking about summer. A few months ago, I applied for the QES Scholarship which has placements…
Wakatshennón:ni (I am happy)
It’s the time of the year where the snow keeps falling and spring’s warmth seems far away, where midterms are almost here, yet the end is months away. It can turn you into a bit of a hermit and an…
Talk to your profs: Beyond the course
I’m in my third year now and I don’t know if the existential crisis has hit you yet but it’s been pretty real for me. It’s terrifying to think about how we’re going to be out of this routine soon.…
It’s all related
One of the advantages of being at University is the diverse range of courses we can explore. Doing multiple programs and/or having breadth requirements makes you realise that the lines between each field are much more blurred than we thought.…
When Theory meets Reality on Opioids: An interview with Laurie and Hayley
About a month ago before winter break, I had the pleasure of interviewing two of your fellow U of T peers in the Pharmacology program about a course they took last semester: "PCL389H1:Understanding the Role of Pharmacology & Toxicology in…
Stepping Outside of My Academic Comfort Zone
I'm sure you've all seen the 'Math Lady' meme. You know, this one: Well, that's me. (Not actually, but how I feel when I hear things like "formulas" and "equations.") I've always done well in the arts, English, music…
Course evaluations end tomorrow — Do them. Now.
You probably have three unread course evaluation emails and you probably zoned out when your professor mentioned it was open in class. Well, I’m going to tell you why the ten minutes you take out of your day to finish…