This week I met with a professor about nothing. It was like a Seinfeld episode, entitled “office hours”. The great thing about Seinfeld is that even though it was the show about nothing, something always happened. I feel the same…
sitting in the front.
First of all, I'd like to say happy Tuesday to those students who are on break (myself included). Hopefully, this weekend was productive and relaxing for all of us. My first year was spent sitting in the balconies of Convocation…
New online course evaluations: what you need to know
As you may or may not know (but you'll soon be an expert) the University of Toronto is implementing online course evaluations this year, replacing the old paper forms. This topic is especially pertinent as the end of term is…
My First Day at Virtual School This week one of my classes was cancelled. Instead of giving us all a day off my prof decided to prerecord a two hour long lecture and post it to YouTube. My first reaction to this announcement was a…
Raise your hand!
Can you remember back to the first week of classes? You know, back when everyone had something to say in class…eager to impress Profs with their extensive vocabulary and subject knowledge. If like me, you do remember these students, you too might…
Field Trips…They’re not just for kids!
I'm lucky to be in a program at U of T that values hands-on learning. Theory is great and is useful in itself, but too much theory makes Lori an unhappy girl. The ratio has to be about 40:60 for…
Be More Professional–Like, Totally.
Remember the presentation I had to get over with last week? Well the results are in and my professor thinks I need to work on being more professional. Obviously, I did not present in a clownsuit...but I intentionally tried very…
UTSU Emergency Townhall Meeting
On Tuesday, September 25th, the University of Toronto Students' Union held a town hall meeting in MSB 2158 to solicited feedback on a response paper to the Ministry's new discussion paper on the future of pse. Here are some tweets from the event.
Study Saint? (Not this guy)
Strategic studying, my comrades; this is your word of the week (heck, it should be your word of the year), and even though this blog post will cover the topic of strategic studying, I myself have only recently begun to…
All about Me and You and Learning
Hi there, I’m Lori. You might remember me as a past blogger for student life, but I have moved on to new experiences and I am now blogging for C.T.S.I., The Center for Support and Teaching Innovation! This year I’ll be inviting…