My first year as a University student in Canada is done! I can't really explain how strange and exciting it feels to be done with my first year of university, similar to the feeling I had when I found out I was accepted to my top choice University.
University has proven to be a big adjustment and at times a bit overwhelming. I went to a really "academically challenging" high school. I would constantly hear that "University will be way easier than high school." The workload was heavier than I had anticipated, which caused me to become obsessed with organization in order to stay on top of everything (is having 5 separate calendars a bit...too much?)
One of the biggest lessons I learned along the way (and I wish I knew before hand!): don't let others advice make you feel overly confident. University if self-directed and that means that I am 100% responsible for what I learn and what I don't learn. Becoming extremely organized and responsible is one of the best skills I have acquired from my first year of university.
23 blog posts later and this is my last one! That went by so fast. Working for Student Life has been a learning experience, and I greatly value the experience. I've been able to grow and learn not only while writing my blog posts but also reading the teams blog posts. By being part of this team I went from shy and extremely anxious 18-year-old first-year student to enjoying getting out of "my shell" while writing about my experiences.
In reflection, I have learned the importance of being prepared and staying focused on my goals. If I could go back in time and give first-year me any advice I would tell myself: living by yourself will be easier than you think, you'll grow really close to your friends and they will sort of turn into your new "family."

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