"The emotions of man are stirred more quickly than man’s intelligence.... Accordingly, with admirable, though misdirected intentions, they very seriously and very sentimentally set themselves to the task of remedying the evils that they see. But their remedies do not cure the disease: they merely prolong it. Indeed, their remedies are part of the disease." —The Soul of Man under SocialismCoincidentally (or maybe not coincidentally), I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I do think a lot of times passion (usually anger of some sort) can be blinding and even counterproductive at times as our focus gets sidetracked. I think when dealing with global issues where the stakes are much higher, it's important to keep that in mind. I've always been a believer of the importance of emotional intelligence, but that's something that's hard to learn on your own without having already been aware of it. Certainly it helps when your professors, instructors, or supervisors are leading the way and reminding you that all of this academic stuff doesn't exist on its own. Prof. Wong noted: "Empathy makes the world smaller." The Product vs. The Effect My favorite talk of the day was probably the one given by Prof. Bill Ju (Human Biology) on student mental health. Drawing from his own experiences as a former U of T undergrad, he talked about his journey in realising the many facets of the student experience and the importance of being able to recognise that as an instructor. I certainly don't need to tell you guys this, but it's tough being a student sometimes. It was nice to hear this from his perspective and to see someone being so thoughtful in his approach to teaching and student-instructor relations. In alluding to a previous story he told about a laundry detergent-maker, he summed up nicely the value of rethinking the way you're doing things: "Is it to make the best laundry detergent? Or is it to make someone feel good about the clothes they're wearing?"

If you want to get notifications for next year's event, you can follow them on their Facebook page (I believe TEDxUofT 2017 sold out its tickets within a day). The stream of this year's event is also up on their website.
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