Here at U of T, we have a lot of brainpower and we love seeing it put to good use! The Innovative Designs for Accessibility (IDeA) competition is an opportunity for Ontario university undergraduates to address accessibility-related barriers.
The Council of Ontario Universities, in partnership with the Government of Ontario, is looking for innovative, cost-effective, and practical solutions that will improve accessibility in the community.
The contest welcomes entries that fall under one of five categories of barriers: attitudinal, organizational or systematic, architectural or physical, information or communications, and technology. You can help rethink everything from policies to technological devices!
Finalists in previous years have included ideas such as AMI-GO, a device that provides physical feedback to users so they can find their family and co-workers in public spaces. Others, like Wheels In Motion, are aimed at increasing awareness among Ontario students.
This year, IDeA is also offering the BONUS Prize, worth $1500, to the concept which most successfully addresses Para-Sport or Active Living.
The deadline for submissions is April 19, 2015 and participants will be eligible to win $3000 in prizes plus the BONUS prize. Check out the IDeA website to find more information on the contest and submission instructions.
Let’s see what you can do, U of T!

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