The university is always making changes here and there. Sometimes I kind of wish I had been born a few years later, so that now I'd actually be able to take advantage of all these new things the school has put into place since I got here. For example, the new physics and chemistry labs for first years - I didn't have that! The accessible plugs on every desk in the Robarts study rooms--I didn't have that! The new
CR/NCR option for course selection - I did NOT have that when I had to take multivariable calculus, which resulted in many breakdowns in my second year.
And now they have a Reading Room in Gerstein! For those of you who frequent the library, you'd know how packed it can get during mid-term season. This new Reading Room is like a lifesaver. It's very close to the main entrance as well: immediately after you walk past the security poles (or beepers, since they tend beep randomly for no reason), turn right - it should be the room through the glass double doors on the left hand side of all the computer stations.
It gets even better! If you keep on walking past
this room, you'll get to another room, more ancient, with tall windows covered in ivy and some wooden desks sparsely scattered throughout the study space. This one is even quieter than the previous room, with more empty seats as well.
Now for the best part. If you keep on walking past this room as well, you'll get to the third and final room. (Gerstein is like a vault!) I really like this one because there are usually so few people here. It's so quiet that you can practically hear people's breaths all the way from the other end of the room. The ceiling is extremely high, with more tall windows facing Kings College Circle (I'm not very descriptive, I know). Hung around the wall are huge portraits of anonymously important historical figures.

There are also rows of dusty wooden library carrels, and each comes with a little storage space that can be locked (I highly doubt that anyone actually uses these anymore, but there was one with a huge lock on it. Don't know why it's there). The whole atmosphere somehow reminded me of Anne of the Green Gables. I know, this is U of T, not Queen's, but somehow, sitting in that room and bathed in sunlight, I couldn't help but feel that I've traveled back in time. When I finally snapped out of it, I decided that for being in rooms like these (rooms with histories, rooms with stories, rooms with mysteries), my tuition is worth its every cent.
- Lucy
Wow!! This post is sooo cool! It even has pictures!
–Me, as a part of shameless self-promotion.
you mean priceless self-promotion.
Yay! Lucy is cool AND wise!
Lucy, I really love your Uof T Library Saga series. They are so informative and attractive that I wish my dream could have come true to become a university student in U of T and enjoy studying in these wonderful libraries!
Great job and keep going!
Dear Outsider,
Thank you for your comment! I’m very much encouraged by it!
That really actually matters very little when you are about to fail immunology the next day
OMGGG ~runs back to studying~
But thanks
oh man! I’m in here right now, just discovered it. NOT TELLING ANYONE….must keep this quiet n private. <3
I really wish I could open the little padlocked thingies. That way I could stuff my things inside, lock it, kip across to the bakery or something and come back with the reassurance that no one will have nicked my things!!
I know what you mean Zainab! It’s always hard to have a peace of mind when you’re stuff is sitting openly on a desk in Gerstein and you need to run to the bathroom or make a phone call. Not to mention the cases of theft in Gerstein are not exactly rare or unheard of. I’d recommend just asking the person sitting next to you to look after your stuff when you’re gone. It’s often a small hassle but while worth the effort I think!