Monday, March 11th, 2013...4:27 pm

Feminist: Something You May Be Without Realizing (don’t worry it’s cool).

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Although women represent more than half of the world population, the continued structural and societal inequities women face result in the arguably Band-Aid solution of International Women’s Day. In no way do I suggest that we should do away with the day – rather I hope for a time when no longer does the marginalization exist where an annual awareness day which recognizes half of our population is necessary.

Recently, I had a conversation with a woman in her 50s about the idea of midwifery. When I expressed to her the general attitude I notice from women my age about giving birth outside of the hospital (ie: ERMAGAWD ARE YOU CRAZY?!), she was appalled. She was shocked to believe that there may have been a regression from feminism in the last 30 years. Based on my own observation and involvement with feminist issues, I very well think there may have been (this guest lecture may be a good example). I think the term feminism has been dragged through the mud so often that many people fear identifying themselves as feminists – despite their belief that women are not lesser, and should receive equitable treatment to males.

One common misconception about feminism is that it requires believing that women should “take-over” or that they “hate men”. This is simply not true. Merriam-Webster quite clearly defines the word as follows:

fem·i·nism : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes

So in the spirit of International Women’s Day and feminism, I bring to you a couple videos that may interest you, or spark your interest in a cause that is good for all of us (men included).

Watch the first part of a series called, Tropes vs. Women in Video Games. (You may also find interest in learning about the harassment that filmmaker Anita Sarkeessian has endured as a result of asking for funding on Kickstarter for this project.)

Check out one woman’s cheeky rant to Beyonce, in which she concludes – who runs the world? Not girls.

Or check out one young girl’s feelings about gender and toys.

I also highly recommended these three full-length documentaries:

  1. Miss Representation
  2. Status Quo? The Unfinished Business of Feminism in Canada
  3. Makers

As graduate students who may be teaching classes, it’s important that we ensure that our teaching is equitable for all who enter our classrooms. Check out the workshop, Equity, Power and Diversity in the Classroom on March 19th.

Happy feminism to all of us!

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