We all know that the price of textbooks can add up. Here are some things I’ve learned after two years of university (and many textbooks later). 1. Know how you learn: Online textbooks tend to be cheaper, but if you…
How To Do (Or Not Do) Your Readings
It was the first time I had ever been in Con Hall. All of the seats were packed, and the sound of chatter echoed throughout the massive Victorian building. The girl I was talking to was a fourth year Drama…
Chapter One: Buying Books
Now that everyone has done battle with ROSI and (hopefully) come out victorious (if a bit wounded) it’s time to start thinking about textbooks! Well actually it’s a bit early to start thinking of textbooks but at the rate this…
And So It Begins!
Well, the first week has been off to a good start, albeit a little bit hectic. (#firstdaystories How was your week?) It’s funny how things turn out, really. Here’s what happened to me: I have one course this semester. I…
Ready, Set, …Wait, I’m Not Ready to Go
With frosh week gone (along with my voice and inability to stop turning day-to-day conversations into cheers #froshleaderproblems), it's time to get on that back-to-school grind - that is, if you can first wrap your head around the amount of…
Back to School . . . Finally
Finally, it’s back to school! (#firstdayjitters if you are feeling nervous!) My first day is not until Wednesday, but I sincerely feel for all of you Monday’ers. And I offer a nod of recognition to many Engineering students who went…
Five Things We Wish We’d Known in First Year: Featuring Guest Blogger, Jennifer!
Bonjour Blogosphere! I've been blogging for about three months now, can you believe it? And I kind of figured that by now you may have gotten a little bit sick of my ramblings. (It's OK, I understand. Even the greatest love…
I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday! I did. The best thing about the break was that I finally had some spare time to read for pleasure. I love reading. I read all genres, whatever the book - as long as…
Just text me!
Okay, so everyone anticipates university being expensive. Tuition costs can be found online, and you can also look up how much it’ll cost to live on or near campus. Of course, you’ll still have to mortgage your iPod and maybe set up a payment plan on your liver, but there’s comfort in knowing how much you have to pay. In fact, the costs associated with university are generally set, or slightly variable under your control—your phone plan, food, rent, are all chosen by you, at least to a degree. Your tuition, gym membership etc. are set, and also invariable, so they can be planned for.
This leaves the big unknown, the real outlier, the forever elusive… textbook costs. Sometimes, a class will have a course materials pack costing $20 flat (though there are the hidden costs of the copy store potentially being swarmed by cops and “busted”). Other times there will be a textbook for $175, or a whole bunch of books (and the prof always says the specific editions matter…) for a cumulative $250.
All totaled, textbooks can cost as much as $1000 in a given semester, or as little as $250, in my experience, and their prices are completely out of your control.
EXCEPT! Oh, happy day! As in all things money-related the market has worked its magic and ways to save money (with additional costs in the form of time, travel and inconvenience, unfortunately) have appeared over the years.
Eight ways to guarantee an exam mark between C+ and F
They are here. Can you hear them? I can hear them. I can even smell them! Their papery little bodies quivering with laughter as they loom ghoulishly in the shadows, waiting to tear into me with their sharp claws. All right, so…