For this Reading Week, I challenged myself to keep a daily log to see what worked in keeping me productive and what didn't. Here it is: Thursday My Reading Week officially begins after I submit an assignment and head home.…
Maintaining Healthy Habits During Reading Week
If you found yourself at any of the club fairs or orientation events during the first few weeks of classes in September, you probably have laid your hands on one of the 3½ Things pamphlets put together by the Health…
An Artsy Reading Week: My experience as an ARW Project Leader
My high school teacher once told me that you don't become a grade 12er until you've finished grade 12. I thought this was very enlightening at the time, and I still think it rings true to every role I've had…
Productivity Tips
Welcome back from a (hopefully) restful and productive reading week. Whether you travelled somewhere on vacation, stayed in your bed watching Netflix or, like the amazing student you are, hit the books and the library every day to catch up…
How I’m making a homework-filled reading week enjoyable
Happy reading week U of T! For my break, I’m staying in damp and chilly Toronto and trying desperately to catch up on homework. While at first I assumed this would cause a disappointing vacation, I’m managing to make it…
A snapshot of what an Alternative to your next Reading Week could be like!
Ever wondered if there was an alternative to sitting at home planning to do something prooductive like reading your textbook for the very first time since September but end up just binge watching Netflix anyways or being stuck at a…
The Importance of Rest
Since coming to university, I’ve found that it’s hard to feel like time spent not being productive is not time wasted. If I’m not being active, spending time with friends, or getting something done, I feel guilty. I realized the…
Things You Should Do During Reading Week
November is just around the corner and for Arts and Science students we all know that means Reading Week is almost here. This reading week is even more exciting because it’s the first time the Arts and Science students are…
Musing About Reading Week
Reading Week has come and gone, and now we're back to classes. Sigh. Every year, I look forward to the much deserved break and yet again, I fail to realize how quickly a week can go by. I always start…
Reflecting on #JoyatUofT
Happy Reading Week, U of T! When considering what my #JoyatUofT is, I had a hard time coming up with just one thing. As U of T is such a large, diverse campus with so many resources, activities, and classes,…